us tech ruined my day

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I just had a not good appt. I was so looking forward to seeing my lil guy again. And getting his measurements hearing his heartbeat getting pictures and the tech was so rude. First thing he said was I will not discuss anything I see that's between you and your doctor. And I will not look at sex I don't have time to do that there are people waiting. Keep in my mind I arrived on time and still waited 45mins to be soon. Ok well no big I guess I told him I already know its a boy. He said theirs no way they can tell at 12 weeks and start talking shit on the last us tech I had. Oh well hop on the table with no warning he pull my pants down way low too eek. Then he turns the lights off whatever most likely I am just being pregnant and picky but here comes the really disappointing part. I couldn't see a thing the screen was turned all the way to him ;( at the end he moved it toward me for a second but it was such poor quality. He hands me two fuzzy pictures and sends me on my way. Thanks for your five minutes bro. I asked him how long baby was and he got kinda mad and was like "I can't see you baby won't move didn't you see how he was laying?" Not to mention he was kinda heavy handed I don't remember an us ever hurting before :( I wasn't going to pay for a 3d4d us but I think I am going to now I want the nice pictures and friendly tech like all of my other us. End crazy horomonal rant


  • Wow, what an ass. I would call the place you had it done at and complain.
  • He sounds like an ass!! Should find another specialty if he doesn't like to induldge expecting mothers. Wonder if he wld have been nicer if your guy was with u.
  • Wow .. how rude!
  • The techs behavior was inappropriate. You should speak up to your doctor about it.
  • Wow. I would call and complian that's bot ok. Say he offended you with the way he pulled down your pants with no warning and that he would even let you see your child. That's completely and utterly rude to do that to a worrysom mother. I hope your day gets better hun
  • File a complaint asap.
  • DAMN! I woulda had to get real nasty with his ass n give him a reality check for real. It makes no since for ppl to be that way. Ugh!
  • What a douche! I'd woulda bitched him out fast!
  • Omg I'm so glad u posted this...I had a horrible time at mine on Tuesday...she pulled my pants so far down that my crotch was in full view of the whole world..and she didn't close the door...which I don't get they didn't do that at my last 20 week us with my first...she did let me watch but didn't tell me anything and idk wtf I'm looking was freaky and I wanted to ask questions but she kept saying that my baby was annoying because he moved too much....ummm rude!..then she gave me fuzzy pics and told me to have a good day...and I said is everything ok with the baby? She said yes of I would know ...she didn't say anything..ughhhh..then I've been trying to call my doctor just to know if everything is actually normal but dealing with the naval hospital is liking pulling teeth...ugh..they want me to flipout.
  • Thanks ladies I am glad I am not alone. My husband was there I will have to ak him if he thought he was as rude as I did. I can't believe I didn't speak up more for myself. I am never one to keep my mouth shut like that. At least the tech was all that was bad BABY IS GOOD AND HEALTHY that's all that matter I guess :/ but you all do agree that a 22 week us should require pants and panties to go that far? Now I just feel violated yuck. I am gonna say something just so I don't get stuck with another us from him
  • @caitiecakes I am so sorry you had a similar expirence. But it makes me feel so much better I am not alone. I seriously think I am gonna pay the 100 bucks for the 4d us just so I can see. Do you have anymore scheduled?

    @jamie77 he would of made a better bouncer
  • So unprofessional I would be pissed. At my 20 wk US my lady asked me if I had testing for downs syndrome and we didn't, we chose not to then was like oh well I see a cyst on the babys head so it could be something. Oh and your placenta is low you might have placenta previa. Then left me alone for 20 mins not explaining anything! My doc was so mad he said she's nit supposed to say anything and she was completely wrong about both! Just caused me worry for 3 weeks until I saw my doc! I don't understand how some techs can be so rude when there job is usually to make people smile and see their baby!
  • This past wednesday I had a u.s appt too n the tech was really fckn rude too I kept askn bout my bby gurl n she said she didnt kno like bitch dis yo job u gotts kno smh never again will I allow her to do my ultra sound :/
  • That sucks! In my life I've had a guy tech Once and it was just like that, and it was the visit where we were trying to see if second baby's heartbeat had gotten stronger or stopped. He was so short & rude, had screen to him and wouldn't tell me anything. On top of that be didn't even have sound up so I couldn't hear first heartbeat either so I was scared I lost them both (had to wait an hour to see Dr to find out we did lose second baby but first was ok). What is it with male techs???
  • I would have left and made an appointment with someone else after calling him an asshole I really hope I get the same guy I had with my first it took over 30 min no rush and he went over every thing even joked made small talk I even got a video tape :) that guy sounds like a big jerk and u should file a complaint obviously that's not the job for him
  • @socalmommy yes I've had a 3d which of course they were extrememly nice..but this one just made me extrememly uncomfy.
  • Hun, you really, really need to file a complaint! That is ridiculous! With both of my pregnancies after 13 weeks the most I've ever had to do is unbutton my pants, that's it!!! He was very unproffesional! You need to file a complaint now hun.
  • Report that! He deserves consequences...if he hates his job that much he needs to quit.
  • Wow he seems a bit rude. At my 34 week u/s for his growth I asked the u/s tech if.she could make.sure hes still.a boy. She did the measurements and didnt even try to check the sex. So I asked and she said hes too smooshed. So I blew it off and she handed me two u/s pics that were really blurry. I felt rushed. I liked the other tech better.
  • I can't believe he pulled ur pants down. I have never had an ultrasound tech remove any part of my clothes. I don't think that's legal. I would definantlt complain and might look (or threatened to look for another practice)
  • So update my husband said the guy seemed fine. I think he was seriously lacking bedside manor and I will be mentioning it to doctor at my next appt.
  • I have never had any tech pull my pants down in any of my pregnancy. I would call the facility tmw and talk w a supervisor and tell them what happened. He should never have touched you in that manner.
  • edited April 2011
    Psssh I know how you feel. Thursday I had my u/s appt to find out the gender. The Bitch was this young cocky Ahole that scratched me with her long fake nails while tucking in the sheet under my pants and first said she needed to first do the scan and then she would talk to us and tell us the gender. I didn't even get to see anything she had the screen turned towards her and then at the end really quickly turned the screen towards me said it was a boy and then that was it. Yes I was excited about finding out the gender but I mostly was excited just to see our baby and how much it had grown from the last time because we hadn't had a u/s in two months. I wasn't mad at first after leaving cuz I was on the high of seeing the baby for the few seconds I did but now that I think about it I wana punch her in the face for being so rude and insensitive and only letting me see my baby for a minute tops.
  • @inlovee I know your so excited you forget to stand up for yourself sorry you had a crappy expirence too
  • edited April 2011
    We should send the doc offices a bag of dog poo on fire lol
  • Haha for sure with their name on it
  • Asshole ugh uncalled for!
  • @socalmomma2boys r u 12 weeks or 22 weeks
  • My us tech wasn't the nicest but she also wasn't anything compared to the inconsiderate son of a b*tches some of you ladies had. At one point she did have the screen where I couldn't see but she explained to me that she had to move it first then she turn it back towards me then she stated that it was a girl and ask me if I could remove my belly ring and pull my own pants a little further down. Not one time did she touch me near my crotch, I don't think they are suppose to anyway by law, I would definitely report that ass to the place that did yours n to your doctor. Its ashame the way some people treat others in some of these doc offices n us clinics, don't they realize they dealing with people lives,feelings, and precious bundles of joys.
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