Dunno what i should do :(

edited April 2011 in Health
been vomiting all day... Haven't kept much down only thing I ate was applesauce and that came right up! Been off and on for two days, I dont think I'm dehydrated keeping enough water down but the puking is making me contract, I'm 37 wks any advice


  • Seabands at cvs worked for me
  • Call your doc. It could be the flu, or something serious. Not to worry you or anything, but seriously call your doc or labor and delivery
  • I'm just worried since I have been through this and have had to get an iv just about a week ago for the same thing , I hate to go in if I can fight it my hospital is over a hr away... Can't stop crying just want to feel better
  • i would call...labor can all of a sudden also give you symptoms of morning sickness..or so i heard.. feel better n good luck!
  • I wanna go in and have this baby!! dont want to be in the hospital again unless its for :(
  • I think so long as you're keeping water down, you should be okay. Maybe your doc can prescribe you some Zofran. It will help with the nausea and it disolves on your tounge so you don't have to worry about it coming right back up!
  • yeah i have zofran its not working :( i love it and usually does the trick but not the past couple days , i think he is trying to kick my butt :(
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