this is just aweful!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Monday evening after telling my ob that I was having some vaginal discomfort, I decided to go to tbe er. While I was there they discovered my blood pressure was extremely high. it was then decided by the high risk team that I have developed something called superimposed preeclampsia. I have already had problems with my pressure and now because I'm pregnant it seems to have gotten much,much worst. it is now late Friday evening and I've yet to leave the hospital. because they can't get my pressures under control I may have to stay here for the duration of my pregnancy. or if my pressures get any worse I may have to deliver my baby now. I'm only 27 weeks. The nicu doctors tell me that a baby at 24 weeks can survive now, but its still scary.cause.I know each baby is different. I'm sick of being pricked and poked and I'm sick of all these tests. I know they r only doing what is best for me and my baby but I have to admit I hate the hospitals and I just want to go home. I have two other kids that need me and this is becoming a huge inconvenience. Arghhh!!! Has anyone else ever had preeclampsia or know anyone who did? maybe hearing other stories will help me get thru this....


  • Have faith in God that everything its gonna be fine. Take care and do the best for you and your bb
  • I agree. Now is when u put things in Gods hands. He would never throw anything ur way that he thought u couldn't handle. Best of luck. I'm praying for ya hun
  • thanks guys for ur prayers but its kinda hard to have faith.lately its seems like he turned his back on us, he took r baby last year. my doct told me it was safe to take a certain medication and after I miscarried at 22 weeks it was determined that I should have been taken off immediately cause it was very dangerous to my pregnancy...
  • I had a miscarriage too but I always trusth in GOD. And he help to be ok with my new pregnancy
  • I know it seems hard to believe but everything happens for a reason. It might not be clear now but if you have faith and believe in God he will give you strength. He never promised life was easy but he promises to help us through the struggles in life. Keep your head up and have faith its the only thing that gives us hope for tomorrow.
    Ps- God has not turned his back on yo. He's loves you. Embrace him, don't turn your back on him.
    I'll be praying for u!!!!!
  • Try not to worry to much that will only make it long as Ur kids at home are save with some one u can trust and baby is still kicking about inside u think positive ....its true babys have a greater surviving rate after 24 weeks but the longer he/she inside the better try relax and rest that's the best for u an baby hope that helped
  • I was n thehispotal for almist 3wks becuz of preterm labor n my blood pressure was really I kno how u feel whn u say ur tired of bein poked n drugged n the doctors jus tryin everything to control whn thry let me go n not even a wk lata im back cause of the same problem wit dilation...I cried my way outta the hospital..I'm 29 wks wit twins they put me on bedrest til my water breaks...jus hold it out..everything will get better:)
  • I want out of this damn hospital. the baby is fine, its just me they r worried about. they put me on a 12 hour magnesium drip yesterday to prevent me of hving a seizure. it was horrible, made me so hot they had to put ice packs all over me. and it burned going in my iv. I hope my pressure stays down so I don't have to experience that again. preeclampsia is torture. no one else is going thru this??
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