i just put a face with a name!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Well I just found out my bd has a Facebook and guess what I saw? I saw that he changed his relationship status and he actually put her name up there and I'm pissed, I'm pissed cause of the date he changed. we was going strong at the time and he posted some stuff on his page about this girl on Valentine's day and we conceived the day before he posted that stuff. Wow! Just last week he started calling. Trying to get back in with me and like a fool I let him and today we went right back where we was no phone calls all day. Then I find his Facebook page and he posted today. I just don't know what to do


  • Guys are dumb. I'm sorry your having to go through that. I say just forget about him.
  • @misty2011. Your right but I love him and I been trying to get him out my system its just so hard and I haven't spoken to him yet but I wanna know what he has to say about all this
  • Daaaamn!
  • Im sorry u are having a situation going on like that. My daughters dad was just like that. I left him 4 or 5 years ago. Now im married to a wonderful man who loves me and her with all his heart we have a son and another baby on the way. Reason im saying all this is u need to realisr that there are wonderful men out there that will love u even with a child by someone else. If ur bd is starting this crap already its not going to stop. Maybe a lil after the babys born but he'll probably start it up again. Just keep ur head up follow ur dreams focus on u and the wonderful baby ur carrying and done let anyone stop u or get in ur way. Then when u least expected ur knight in shinning armor will ride in and sweep u off ur feet. I spent 6 years with my daughters dad and thought I loved him. O I was so wrong! When u really really are in love... I can't even discribe it. Its the best but scariest feeling you'll ever have. And it don't happen like that when ur young. I was 25 when I got bit by the love bug! Just try to worry about u n the babies life and move on ull b happier!
  • @ynvtish. Ikr. @ mandac10 thanks for the kind words and encouragement.
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