13weeks with a bang!(lil gross)

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
I am 13 weeks today. Hubby got me a bagel w/creamcheese before he left for work.its what I've had every morning for the last 2 weeks. Ate half sat outside for air..and gagged. No big deal, ive been gagging this whole time pretty much. Gag again..uhoh ibfeel the difference. Lil bit of bagel comes up. Gross. Uhoh here comes more..nothing but bile and bagel chunks all over the back steps.
wondering if this is my gall stones acting up


  • I still get like that at least twice a week.....im 16w1day....
  • No i still have the bile once in a blue when I brush my teeth, i can't eat first first thing in the morning when i wake up i have to wait at least an hour which is usually when i get to work ill grab something light to eat. i can't eat a whole bagel ill eat half if that or some toast with apple juice. make sure you call your doctor to be on the safe side althou i'm sure it's still just the last bit of your morning sickness. maybe you should switch up what you eat in the mornings or lay off the cream cheese.
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