OMG!!!! I think

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I just felt the baby kick for the first time!! Ahhhhhh!!! It was kinda like a stretching feeling and then little flutteries after :) do you think that's what this was?? How did it feel for you the first time you felt baby kick? And how far along??


  • I was 16w1d when I felt him kick for the first time. It startled me at first, well it still does when he kicks in a new place or wakes up after been sleeping all day. Im 22w2d now. How far along are you?
  • @mrswright I'm 17 weeks exactly :)
  • @babymamadrama
    17w only a few weeks less then me. Woot woot wait til 22w baby kicks are definetly more noticable an other people can feel. 8•)
  • I turned 16 weeks yesterday with my 4th and jumped when I felt the baby kick for the first time :)
  • @mrswright I know how bout the kicks I'm 24 weeks and 6 days I will be 25 weeks 2morrow and they r killing me
  • @bigmamak lol me too like the 3rd time which was this morning it was right when I woke up and it was like baby was stretchin out and then just went POW lol and I felt a big pop almost it was cute :)
  • The kicks are my FAVORITE part of pregnancy! I love when I feel her kick in a new place, it excites me! I'm 23.3 weeks.
  • yay @babymamadrama I can't wait to feel mine!
  • @Kimberly4411 you should any day now!!! Let me know when you do! Its an amazing experience :) its sooo cute!
  • @babymamadrama I dont even know where the baby is inside me lol but hopefully I won't confuse it with all the other weird things i'm going through
  • I first felt a kick at 16 weeks. I'm 21 weeks now and feeling them more often and he kicks harder. My husband is jealous that he can't feel them yet :D
  • Aww how cute..well it mite havd been bcuz I felt a rolling feelinb then a thump and I knew it was my baby and shes been movin ever since!
  • I first felt my little man around 17 weeks. Now I am 24 weeks and he moves ALOT! At around 21 weeks is when we started seeing my belly move with him. Its so exciting but kinda weird lol.
  • I'm 16w but haven't felt a kick yet.... I can't wait!
  • I'm 21 weeks, with a low, head down baby. He likes to throw out some elbows down there and it hurts. I thought something was wrong once I started feeling consistent pain in my lower abdomen, but it's just my brat of a baby boy! When he kicks, it's closer to my belly button and you can feel it on the outside.
  • @simone that's what it felt like for me when I first felt it! But it was a thump and then a roll.

    But don't worry ladies its kinda hard to tell if that's what it is at first but once you feel it you notice every little movement its cute
  • @simone that's what it felt like for me when I first felt it! But it was a thump and then a roll.

    But don't worry ladies its kinda hard to tell if that's what it is at first but once you feel it you notice every little movement its cute :) don't worry you'll feel it when you least expect it
  • @Jess510 u will feel it soon! U may not think its ur baby at first but then it will be like omg!
  • @babymamadrama. I'm 17 wks too & jus started feelin my baby too! I love it! :-D
  • I started feeling my baby move around 11 weeks....I thought it was gas then whn I went to the dr she told me it was the I'm 15w5d and s/he is everywhere! And when I do feel kicking its not everyday its a feww times a wk but it hurts...they say because my body is still healing from my lil boy...but mostly s/he only kicks early morning...its awesome
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