
edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
So last night I had stomach cramps much like period cramps that lasted id say 3 hours. It was pretty unconfortable but barable an they went away when I fell asleep or so I think. I didnt wake up from it. What do you think it could be. Btw this is my first pregnancy and im 22w2d preggo.


  • Had the same thing it was extreme gas I took gas x...it feels like cramps and hurt so bad at the top of my belly
  • I think its the baby growing and you're body is making room for wittleness inside of you. My sis went to the ER around that time too I think she was 24 weeks though. Hope you're feeling better. <3
  • @lexi34 not sure if it were gas but it hurt pretty bad.

    @HajisBabylovee it may have been just stretching out to make more room. Ive felt it (cramps) below my belly button but not my whole tummy. Was there anyrhing wrong with your sister? Or was her tummy just stretching.

    I still feel baby Wheeler moving about an no blood TMI so everything should be fine right?
  • I use to cry when I had bad cramps like that, it was just constipation pain. Haha. Maybe its braxton hicks?
  • @jcmommy I looked up braxton hicks an I think it said it only happens on one side, but my whole tummy was cramping it was very odd.
  • Yess she was OK, her baby was just huge! Lol. And that's exactly what the doctors told her. Since she's petite the stretching wouldn't feel like cramps and pressure on her lower abdomen so I guess that was the case. =] oh & she had a low blood sugar count but she's OK thank you. Are you feeling better today? Or are you still feeling the stretch?
  • @HajisBabylovee

    Glad to hear she was okay, huge baby oh poor girl. I have a friend who was just under 100 Ibs an her baby was almost 9 Ibs. She looked pretty funny. Im feeing much better today just hoping it was stretching. How far along are all of you @jcmommy @lexi34 an @HajisBabylovee.
  • Oh why thank you yea. She was an 8 pounder baby and my sis only weighed 120. So she had to get a c-section. =\
    I'm 15w2d. :) praying for my wittle handsome. :) my first pregnancy just like you and just as nervous. :) lol. Have you had any weird cravings or tantrums or crazy pregnant hormone stories? I cried this morning because I woke up with a real bad bedhead! D;
  • @HajisBabylovee
    Hope you get a little boy, we are having a boy. Hubby is super stoked. I havent had any weird cravings or bad tantrums. Thats why I love coming on here I get a kick outta everyone. Must have had aome seruous bedheah lol thats too funn.
  • Yess I was balling and my fiancée laughs. Lol he's lucky I gotta sense of humor and I'm a good ol' sport! Lol. So you had no morning sickness or anything? Did you pick any names? :)) and thanks I want a boy soo bad!
  • @HajisBabylovee
    No I had no sickness but I did have 5 damn near killer head aches. Oh my they were terrible. Well we didnt pick a name my hubby picked his name, his name will be Wheeler but im coming up with a middle name that he can go by cuz Wheeler is just crazy lol. All his frienda think its cool buy thats boys.
  • Oh lol. I actually think its pretty neat. "Wheeler"! :) me too! I had no morning sickness everything follows the old wives tales on having a boy. I hope I get a boy! :) I already seen something sticking up in between the legs at my 13w6d scan I think lol I forgot but the u/s tech said "its protruding". I really hope its my wittle Caio. :)
  • omg.. gas is so bad when your pregnant.. hate it.. its smellier and hurts so much worse :-h
  • @HajisBabylovee
    Ha ha im sending boy vibes your way, my hubby has 7 sisters an 2 brothers he really really wanted a boy. I have 6 brothers an 3 sisters an wanted a girl just cuz there stuff is so cute. But im happy with a boy. Your a lucky one too I always get told by preggers who get so sick they dont like preggos like me. Im sorry im lucky lol.

    My gas definetly has me vacating the room im in (its pretty bad) lol. There equal to my twin brothers farts. Goly there bad. TMI when you have gas to you always fart? Cuz I havent really tooted lately. How far along are you? 8•)
  • mine are always silent but deadly.. i just grew up around 5brothers .. 4of them were older.. so i said fart.. lol.. but i forgot.. ladies dont fart.. we fluff... hahahah.. :-)) im 15wks.. but all the veggies ive been eating have kicked in the stinky fluff :0&
  • @lae3
    Ha ha I dont fluff I definetly fart. 15w awesome what are you wishing for I'll be sure to send you some baby girl or boy dust lol.
  • girl dust
  • @lae3
    Will do! Girl stuff is so much cuter I gotta search for cute boy stuff.
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