Drastic Change
Hello beautiful pregnant ladies...ok so here is my problem...lately i have been arguying a lot with my boyfriend and its always my fault i over react and i feel so sensitive to everything he says. I feel so out of place like everything bothers me and i cant stand waiting too long to get a text back from him ive never been like this and i know i am getting on his nerves and he doesnt understand that my hormones are up and runnin and that they cause all these mood swings...am i wrong about this? I mean is this all just in my head or does pregnancy really throw some women off and makes them "bitchy" at times?
"listen Im pregnant and my hormones are insane. I know that alot of times my rants are super irrational and over the top most of the time for no reason. So I want to apologize now for my crazy attacks and the many more to come till I pop this baby" he kind of understood.and now just ignores me when im being crazy lol maybe you should try talking to him
My guy also had no clue as to what I m going through.. finally I got ill and broke down.. I went out and bought him a daddy book for during pregnancy.. luckily we had tornados and stuff goin on and he finally picked it up out of boredom. He came around after he read how harmful stress can be..now he caters to my every need.. girl, don't put up with it. It stresses you out.. you don't need that, nor does the baby. Try the baby book thing.. if that doesn't work.. maybe he isn't worth having around. Single mommys are strong mommys.