adderall XR while pregnant

edited April 2011 in Health
Is anyone taking adderal xr?


  • I am not currently taking it while pregnant but was on a pretty high dose before. It's been really difficult :(
  • Ya I've stopped to since I found out. I was on 30 mg its been hard to stop. I'm not motivated to do anything and its really hard when I have to work :( I wish I knew something else I could do.
  • Dr. lilbun915 to the rescue.. This is a situation that you must talk with your doctor about. Once in the second trimester the safety of add and adhd meds greatly increases. The greatest concern about these meds is that it might inhibit growth or cause behavioral problems later in life, however this has not been sufficiently tested in humans and in animals, the subjects are given exorbitant amounts of the substance which of course causes some problems. attention deficit is a very real and very debilitating disorder and when the benefits outweigh the risks.. this medication is prescribed during pregnancy. My advice is to work with your ob/perinatologist and a psychiatrist to reach an agreement - stress/job loss is just as devastating to your child as the possible side effects of the medication. - if you can function without it and you are enjoying your pregnancy and daily tasks.. avoid it. If your life is suffering, talk with your doc.
    Also, have any of you tried using Wellbutrin XR in place of adderall during your pregnancies?
  • I am feeling the same.. unmotivated, tired and not sleeping well. I am gonna try doing yoga and do some research for other things. When I first joined I saw a really old post about several other moms with the same problem.. Maybe they'll comment with ideas! Hang in there
  • oh and DON'T GOOGLE! Stop googling immediately ladies! The things you read on the internet are usually the 10% of best case or worst case scenarios! Trust YOUR body and YOUR doctors, if you don't feel great about what your doctor is telling you, get a second opinion. Be your own advocate!
  • Thanks Dr! I appreciate all your info and I am gonna call both my drs about wellbutrin. This actually makes my Friday!
  • Anytime! This issue is one that is very close to my heart! I am currently taking Wellbutrin in place of Adderall and I would recommend it to anyone, it's not the same as Adderall, but truthfully Adderall is not the same as Adderall during pregnancy, everything is out of whack and you metabolize meds much differently. I also sometimes recommend Wellbutrin and a small dose of simple adderall in the beginning, there is less fetal exposure that way but you still get the little kick youre used to. If you and your doc agree on Wellbutrin, stick with it for a few weeks and I'll bet you start feeling much better. How far along are you?
  • I am on Wellbutrin. Its the only med that my doctor approves of during pregnancy.
  • 16 weeks .. I have taken it before with no problems so i'm hoping
  • This is going to sound funny. Don't laugh I am compleatly for real. Have u tried masterbation? I mean to help with ur mood? I suggest this because of my work but really it can help u feel way better
  • @hurstk28, your ob? or a psych? Obs have less experience prescribing behavioral meds like Adderall during pregnancy but typically a pretty solid background when it comes to antidepressants like Wellbutrin for obvious reasons. Thats why I recommend working hand in hand with a psychiatrist, truthfully psychs are the only ones that should be prescribing behavioral meds anyway and they tend to have more experiencing seeing women through their pregnancies while using these kinds of meds. I'm not saying obs dont know what theyre talking about but psychiatrists specialize in this stuff.. there are also psychs that work primarily with pregnant women and then there are the perinatologists - best of both worlds.
  • I'm only asking because I don't know I've never had to take any meds. But I literally just watched a commercial about wellbutrin that was talking about all these birthdefects caused by that and another antidepressant, that being said how high are the risks of those defects and things?
  • Or go to a local pharmacy. They r trained better then all on drugs and there effects on different people and situations. My brother is a pharmacist so I always talk to him.
  • I was taking 30mg last year...I got pregnant and at 6weeks miscarried. Got off the adderall and 3 months later prego again! Now I'm almost 40 weeks. I blame the adderall for my miscarriage and not getting pregnant for 3 years prior.
  • Great point @kbg10 and a thank you for your tactful approach :) Us mental health patients can be a bit sensitive about these kinds of things especially because they are difficult for non-sufferers to understand!
    Anyway, There are risks associated with taking ANYTHING during pregnancy, (in fact.. something we rarely talk about are the risks associated with eating processed foods and artificial sweeteners during pregnancy which have been directly linked to autism) So, I am sure you are familiar with the FDA approved drug class list.. according to that list, most behavioral drugs are listed as category c, which in the simplest terms means..the risk is fairly low based on the studies we HAVE done, but we cant really say that weve done many studies so were airing on the side of caution. Most docs do the same unless they have first hand experience seeing women through their pregnancies using specific medications. For instance one doctor may tend to prescribe zoloft because he has experience using it.. while another may have much more experience with wellbutrin and prescribe that - he may avoid zoloft not because he has had a negative experience with it but because he has little experience with it, see?
    I have seen the commercial you're talking about and it drives me craaazzyyy.. This is what they don't tell you.. 1. Antidepressants are classed a few different ways, some act on the serotonin pathway, some act on dopamine some on both.. 2. The drugs they list in that commercial all fall into different classes.. ex Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Paxil 3. Something they fail to mention is that in a large percentage of situations where there are birth defects after use of an antidepressant, the women were prescribed said medications to get another nasty little habit under control - smoking. 4. Smoking and antidepressant use in combination during pregnancy is far more dangerous than the use of a single antidepressant AND the FDA is currently in the process of moving Zoloft into Category B and Paxil into D.
    Finally.. there have been literally almost NO studies done on pregnant women using antidepressants because of ethical reasons so test subjects tend to be animals, none of which follow the same pregnancy term as humans AND they tend to be given exorbitant amounts of the substance in question.
  • @caiti5 I'm sorry for your experience :( Adderall is definitely not recommended while TTC or during the first trimester if it can be avoided. Congrats!
  • @lilbun915. Its ok :) compared to many stories I've seen on here I had it easy! And thank you!
  • I was on concerta but stopped bc it is meth. based drug and can't go back on bc too much risk to baby to become addicted and have a lot of problems. Dr said stay off till done breast feeding. I'm still going nuts. I'm. ADD wit hyperactive impulsive tendencies. Luckily hubby can be pretty patient. Been feeling tired and sluggish too.
  • @jellybelly1015 I'd suggest that you doc with your doc about wellbutrin too.. also, addiction and withdrawal symptoms can be a concern if you take the medication all the way up until birth and then end up not breastfeeding.. with most medications the active ingredient is found in the breast milk and therefore aids in easing withdrawal symptoms however with behavioral drugs like adderall I generally suggest that mommy begins to wean off of the medication about 45 days prior to birth and that she is completely off of the medication 21 days (3 weeks) prior to birth. Usually women are taking it a bit easier during this period of time and are able to go without the medication anyway.
    Would like to say again that.. Obviously the goal is always to limit fetal exposure to any potentially harmful substance but there are cases when benefits outweigh risks.. always talk to your docs and always be honest. If you're doc is judgemental or makes you feel bad, SWITCH. Always always be your own advocate when it comes to your mental and physical health.. Contrary to popular belief, docs arent God, they just start to think they are!
  • @lilbun915
    Thank you that was very helpful. And I tried to not come off rude or inconsiderate while asking.
    I just was curious, and I knew that anything is technically "bad" while pregnant but I didn't know if like most things people exaggerate things to the max.
    But again thank you for the info :) I appreciate it.
  • @kbg10.. not rude or inconsiderate at all! BUT.. risks dont necessarily mean bad! and doctors dont intentionally exaggerate but they do protect their butts, malpractice is SO high that the really can't do anything unless its totally by the book :( When I said there are potential risks with taking anything.. I meant like, ANYTHING, some women end up miscarrying because their prenatals make them so sick and based on everything our doctors tell us prenatals arent "bad", ya know? If I could say anything I wanted to my patients I would tell them to trust their own bodies more than they trusted me, I can tell you what I know but only you know how you feel.. if your body can create and sustain life it can surely tell you when youve slept for too long on your right side, or when you drank one too many cans of coke or if a medication is just not right. BUT if i said that and then something happened, i'd get sued! so pretend i didnt say it! ;)
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  • I took adderall xr everyday until I found out i was prego. I took it even after that til I talked to my doctor and she told me I had to stop taking it so I did.
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