Omg! You have to be kidding!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
All day no symptoms of it......then boom!!!! At 11:51pm, the last possible moments of the day, it arrives!

Welp, better luck next time for me!


  • Theres always next time...sorry hun it will friend was tryin to n she finally is preg..she did the hold ur leg up in the air for 20min afterward dont get up so the sperm will travel up instead if down an bam she was finally preg with in no time..
  • I did that too! This was our first month trying. We were originally going to start trying in Feb so maybe it will happen in the month of love!!! Well see!
  • Good luck girl.
  • Ooo I did that too! As a joke! N now I'm 7 weeks lol Just keep trying n good luck! :)
  • :( Aww hun that sucks
  • I did as a joke too and I'm 11 weeks now. It may take u a few months so good luck. If ur super anxious get the Clearblue ovulation test...I didn't get the chance to use mine b4 me and hubby got preggers tho lols. Hope u get ur wish soon hun :)
  • Awwh hun, I feel your pain. We tried last cycle and then without warning, bam! I'm so scared its going to happen again. I wish you luck and hopefully it happens for you in Feb. <3
  • Thank you girls !
  • It will happen. I was so sure i was pregfo in november but i was just sick and then in december i wasn't even thinking about it and just took a test the day i was supposed to start and there it was positive
  • I used an ovulation app on my phone to help me get pregnant first time I tried it and I got pregnant
  • Yea I may try that although I'm pretty sure the app my days is pretty accurate for me.
  • i used the my days app also & im 9 wks now.
  • Same with andrea i got the ovulation app first time i tried it it worked
  • Yep it was mydays
  • I used an app as well it was not my days. Out of all things I tried, ovulation kits, counting days and stuff the first month using my menstration app I got preggo :) good luck
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