I woke up with a belly!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So I turned 15 weeks today, well my baby did :p and I LITERALLY woke up with a baby bump, like an actual visible one!! Is this normal this early? :/


  • I had a bump at 15 weeks which was only a few weeks ago.
  • I started showing at 19wks
  • im almost 16 weeks and all i have is a slight pudge. i guess its possible for some girls because everyone has different body frames and everything but im still my itty bitty self.
  • Im 16+1 and I literally woke up with a belly at 14 weeks. This is also my second child though and I'm really petite. Youre not alone though!
  • I popped at 16 weeks..now I'm 21 weeks and I'm definitely showing lol I'm only 5'1" though and I have a really short torso lol
  • I will be 24 weeks Monday and this is my first baby and I've been showing since around 12 weeks.
  • That's what happen to me. I am just over 16wks and last week I swear I woke up and poof there it was. I am a big girl so I thought it was gonna take longer for me to show... Guess not hehe
  • I'm 17 weeks with #3 and I've had a bump for a few weeks, but beginning of this week had major stretching pains and tummy grew infront of my eyes lmao. Feel huge now x
  • Is it because at 15 weeks your uterus has risen out of your pelvis?
  • Thanks to all the ladies that responded by the way, glad to know I'm not the only one who grew a belly over night lol! I'm pretty small too, 5'3 125lbs....well that was bfor getting preggo
  • Can't wait for belly POP not just a burger bump
  • @mommy318332 LOL How far along r u?
  • 16 weeks.. and this is my third
  • @mommy318332 wow this is my first and I'm shocked that I'm showing so early!
  • I have a bump but it looks like bloated jello..lol can't wait till I lay down and its still there
  • Im about 15 wks, 3 days with my first & I just got mine the other day overnight also! I don't know how it happened so quickly, but it's time for maternity pants for me!
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  • This is my first and my bump came in really obvious at 15 weeks.....im 17 weeks and 2 days and its even bigger now! Lol
  • Im 14 weeks and got a belly.. this is my first
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