pregnant cat

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
This may be a silly question, I don't know, I've just found out my cat is pregnant, trying to steal my lime light or what! Lol am I allowed to be around her when she's giving birth or will there be a risk to my baby


  • I think its probably fine, the only warnings i have heard are about the pooh. I guess check with your doc or her vet?
  • I have had both pregnant cats as well as dog while pregnant. We actually bonded quite well ;) just be careful of the kitty litter, but otherwise should be perfectly fine :)
  • Thank you ladies :) can't wait for her to have her babies, just which my other half would let me keep one! It's going to be hard giving them away, especially with being preg and all maternal and mushy
  • Don't clean the litter box!!! Have someone else do it or wear long gloves. Cat um stuff can b very harmful to ur baby plus make sure the cats stay out of ur babys room. I've heard to many cases of cats suffocating babies and lil ones
  • Just curious, how do u find out that ur dog or cat is pregnant? My girl dog just had her first heat and i did my best to keep her an my male dog seperate cuz he was a HORNDOG but if she's preggo now how and when would i know?
  • Google it! Lol I have no idea and I hope I don't ever have to find out with my 2 mutts! There getting fixed in june!
  • My cat was in heat about a month ago and now she has a belly. I took her to the vets and had it confirmed. Cats and dogs both get bigger nipples when pregnant so maybe you could check that out
  • Well now that that questions been delt with, does any1 have any ideas of how I would get her used to being in her cat bed? She usually just sleeps where she pleases but I bought her a bed so she had somewhere to give birth and to keep her babies. I've tried putting a warm hot water bottle in it (she likes to sleep in warm places) and I keep putting treats in there but she goes in for the treats and drags them out to eat them
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  • Just leave it out. She might choose to use it for birth or she might pick her own place. My cat used a storage closet that wasn't used often. They want to feel safe and protected from any harm that's why they like closed spaces to birth. If you have a closet that is not used much you might want to stick it in there, show her where you put it and crack the door.
  • Put it somewere were you can close the doors for a few hoirs a day, shell hve no choice but to sleep in there hehe
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