Picking up your kids

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Once your kids get a certain age you tell them your not picking them up that there big kids now, But there are times when picking them up is a must. When they fall asleep at the babysitters, When they get hurt and want to cuddle or when you just need too b/c you tired of asking them 5 times and your in a hurry.

So my question is how do you do it when your pregnant? What are the best was to pick up your kids at any time in pregnancy?


  • I pick up my 15 month old regularly my whole pregnancy hun and im now 34 weeks 5 days. She is 22lbs. As long as it doesn't cause you pain and you don't have weight restrictions, and they don't kick or hit your belly, I don't think there is a wrong way hun :)
  • Good body mechanics
  • If they fell asleep and daddy was at work, I would stand them up, under the armpits and they would sleep walk themselves up stairs. It was comical! If u can get help with the carrying, I would let someone else do it.
  • Bend at the knees not at your waist! It's a more even distribution of weight since your leg muscles are stronger and it's better on your back.
  • I am 38 weeks pregnant and pick my 4 and a half year old up all the time. I just hold him above my belly. It's not difficult for me as he only weighs 32 lbs lol.
  • I dont ever pick up my son..hes 4.. when hes sleeping i wake him up to go to his bed...and when he hurts himself i make him walk to me so i see how much it hurts..sounds bad..but not really ..
    and im 19 wks pregnant and my back is always hurting now..so i cant even pick him up if i wanted to.
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