sick and tired of feeling sick and tired lol

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I feel sick 24/7 if its not nausea its dizziness or a killer stomach ache....I have only vomitted a few times but sometimes I wish I wish would in hopes ill feel better after lol :) my first apt. is on fri and its going to be the longest week of my life.....I'm @ 8-9 weeks and love my baby but I would rather gain 200lbs than feel nausea anymore lol :) I have tried all the home remidies and none really seem to help.....any suggestions from the sept mommies out there please!


  • Have u tried saltine crackers, peppermints, Tumms... i know Tumms is for heartburn but it helped me... Alll this 3things were heaven for me..
  • Sucking on lemons helped. Also go your pharmacy & get some preggo pops or the preggo band. They really do help. Give it a few more weeks & you will feel so much better. I'm almost 13 wks & feel 100 times better then I did at 8 wks.
  • Your not alone sugarplum. I am feeling pretty awful too. I have constant stomach pains, always feeling nauseas and tired. And i am so bloated that even my sweatpants are a little snug lol. Man oh man i can't wait to feel better so i can enjoy my pregnancy. Hope things get better for all yoy suffering ladies out their too :)
  • Have a dry cracker and a glass of water beside Ur bed. Have it before u get up and hope 4 the best. It works 4 me.
  • I'm 8 weeks and I'm always nausous,and on top of that,I feel really down. And I hate that....I want to be happy and enjoy my pregnancy.
  • Same here too with the sickness, hate feeling bloated and neausa, can't wait to get pass all this so I can enjoy my first pregnancy, right now my moods sure does sucks!
  • My nausea is much less severe at 9 weeks... let's hope it stays that way. Or disappears completely!
  • Thanks for all the help ladies! I'm like many and just want a happy pregnacy not the feeling of just
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