ouch help!!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ok ladies I need some help . I'm 25 weeks tomorrow and I just went to take my daughter for a walk and I started having these Sharp pains down towards my cervix. They hurt really bad and come and go really fast. Any ideas.


  • Does it feel like lightning bolts?
  • I'm ganna b 25 weeks this Friday...I have that as well but it goes away and then comes back...I just try to stay calm and wait for it to go away.
  • Yeah lightening bolts is a good example
  • I'm drinking some water and proping my feet up now
  • My midwife says it's round ligaments stretching. She said because I lift my baby girl so much they hurt all the time and that it will probably get worse every pregnancy :(
  • It doesn't feel like those but it could be the water is helping and baby is very active. I probably just freaked myself out !!!
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