damnit (vent ) sorry didn't know where to post this

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
not really a pregnancy rant so much as it is a rant i work third shift so i sleep during the day but as i have insomnia i can usually only get cat naps here and there anyway today i super exhausted at work but couldn't sleep when i got home at 6 am but about 3pm i finally felt myself going to sleep just then the doorbell rings so i get up and it's some random neighborhood kid asking if he could take out my trash for a dollar. now I'm all for kids working for money but a while ago i overheard someone say that those kids will go through your trash seeing what they could get...ie bank statements credit card applications etc. I'm assuming someone put them up to it. anyway so i always say no thanks and do it myself...but today i snapped cause I'm already tired and i know it won't be easy for me to fall back asleep. so the kid goes to tell their mom who again rings my freaking doorbell and procedes to curse me about talking to her kid crazy. for one why the f*** are you letting your kids ring random bells... i might be a crazy sick killer or something. anyway as soon as i realized that that's why she was on my doorstep i saw red and cursed her out bad i mean even i felt bad afterwards for all the 4 and 5 letter words i used. anyway now here i am at 643 wide awake and i need to get up at 830 to get ready for work...f***ing A\n\nand before you ladies jump down my throat about them being hungry or something these kids show up at my door in name brand everything. the kid today had to have on about 300 dollars worth or clothes.. i know his Jordan's alone had to cost like 120...if you can afford to dress your kids like that then you can afford to feed them.\n\nand if your kids do odd jobs like this then more power to them not trying to offend anyone but i assume you know your neighbors...them a******s don't know me.


  • Id be ticked too. My dad used to work nights and ended up hanging a sign on the door sleeps days don't bother.
  • AWww I feel ya! I work 11p to 7a. Crap shift, especially when the neighborhood is up making hella noise! I have tons on kids selling cookies, subs, ect. I can only buy so much. We had a nieghbor boy who asked me for $2 if I let him help with unloading groceries. I let him, but told him I could be a kidnapper go ask your mom first lol
  • I dont know y but I agree with u 1 0 0%...can I get a hell yeah ...lol
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