Crystal Light/Aspartame?

edited April 2011 in Health
Is this okay to consume while preggo?


  • On the flip side... HOORAY SUGAR!
  • No, actually I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole even when I'm not pregnant. But, no. :)
  • Im trying to find a way to make drinking water easier...
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  • Try seltzer water with fresh lemon juice.
  • I have hard time drinking water too :( I take a glass fill it completly with ice squeeze a lemon or a lime in it then pour water. Its pretty good. Or sometimes Ill squeeze some fresh orange juice in it. You should try it.
  • Yeah why no crystal light? I am diabetic and it is sugar free and I love it.
  • Doctor told me no crystal light or anything with aspartame in it. It has something to do with the sweetener in Crystl Light. Doctor said actual sugar is better than those things.
  • Try propel waters they're so good its all I drink(:
  • Also try fruit water. Glass of water, half a cup of fruit (melon, pineapple, whatever) little bit of ice. Put it in the blender until frothy. Enjoy!
  • I drank it with my son and 10 years later he is fine. I am no doctor but I think in moderation you are ok. For that matter I drank ALOT of diet coke with my son and again he is fine. I would talk to your doctor if you want expert advice. My doc I have now said one diet coke a day is fine. Just dont over do it :)
  • edited April 2011
    @stillsuprised Im suppose to lay off Sugar for 3 days before my 3 hour test cause I failed the 1 hour. I am having such a hard time finding sugar free stuff that doesnt have Splenda in it. :-(
  • Propel Zero is great. That's what i drink.
  • Uhoh.... I've had crystal light a few times! I did not know this!
  • Here's an article:

    Artificial sweetener has always given me a headache so I avoid it but I can imagine it would be hard to give up if you're used to it.
  • Thanks everyone. Its FDA approved but I remember hearing a rumor about it a while back so I wasnt sure.
  • From The research I read, it is ok, but as w/most everything else w/in Moderation. Sweet&Low was the only sweetener u shouldn't take during pregnancy.
  • Saccharine and aspartame are very bad and research has linked the consumption of 1 beverage with those sweeteners a day to an increased risk of miscarriage by 50%. I read that in a very reputable parenting magazine. :( What about lemon juice in your water? Or maybe even Kool Aid packs that contain real sugar? Apparently Splenda is okay but I'd be cautious with that too. Good luck! :)
  • I still drink it! It's the same as anything else, just don't overdo it! :)
  • @luvbump try this new thing called Mi0.... they sell it at walmart. It has zero calories or sugar but flavors ur water! Its a liquid u squeeze in and u can make it as strong or weak as u want with tons of different flavors!
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  • @Faithywp I bought that today, the peach tea flavor I only put a little bit and add some fresh lemons in with it. It still taste like splenda to me, but it's better than nothing.
  • I have my 3hr sugar test tomorrow and was givin written instructions by my dr.that no food after 12midnight night b4 test..I had the same test done 2x b4 and the said the same thing...not sure y there saying no sugar 3 days prior...
  • Yeas, I fasted the night before, but my doctor told me it will help make the test result more accurate or something? IDK.
  • Well my doc recommended using crystal light to women with GD so I can 't imagine it would be harmful to your baby. I use it daily. But also you can put lemon and cucumber in your water for better taste.
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  • It seems like everything that is sugar free has artificial sweeteners.
    Crystal light has aspartame which isn't good for the baby.
    I tried drinking lemon water and it still tasted like crap..
    I have a much easier time drinking water when it has flavoring in it..
  • @luvbump: my ob ok'd propel zero flavored water.
  • @hurstk28 Also has it in it. I googled the ingredients. =/
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