17 weeks and I go to the doctor Monday!

edited April 2011 in October 2011
I haven't gained much weight and I haven't felt all that different. I didn't get much morning sickness in the first trimester, but all last week I couldn't keep anything down. This week has been alright with that. Any other mommies 17 weeks? Supposedly we're supposed to start feeling kicks etc. Have any of you been overly tired? How is your appetite? I'm going to the doctor on Monday; is it possible that they'll be able to tell me the sex?? Are your baby's daddies involved? Mine is in jail, but he wants to be. Ahhh I know this is so scattered and random but I feel like I'm going nutty!


  • I was sick a lot n da beginning but I'm cool now. @ 11wks I started to feel flutters n just yesterday I felt a kick but still mostly flutters
  • @mikeysgirl im 17 weeks today and I have felt a few unmistakable kicks. My bf is involved and soo excited. I have gained some weight and I am tired alll the time!
  • I 17 weeks and 4 days today. I go back to the doctor wednesday and am praying they tell me the gender. There has been a few times I felt like I could feel some flutters but im just not sure so I don't really count them. My husband and I are both so excited. My belly bump is starting to get pretty big. The other day was the first time my husband has said anything about the size of my belly talking about how its kinda big. It made me feel good and not just fat haha
  • Im 17 weeks 3 days due october 6th.. this is my second baby so im feeling light little kicks. With my first I felt them around 18 weeks I think. My husband is in the picture and excited for his little boy :) my belly just popped out like 2 days ago lol. My hubby is all "babe you don't look fat! That's ALL baby!" I was crying cuz I just looked fat and not pregnant and was depressed lol
  • Im 17wks 3days i have not put on much weight either im just now starting to get a lil belly. I found im having a boy last week so they should be able to tell u but it alk depends on the postion of the baby. I dont think i have felt kicks yet bur they say if its your first u prob wont notice them until 20 wks. My bd is in jail too it kills him that he is missing out but we r hoping he will be released in june. How long is urs locked up for
  • I will find out on Friday when he will be getting out. He's devastated he's not around for everything too...I miss him so so much. :-<
  • Im 17w and 4d I dnt feel movement yet this is me second and last fri I found out im having a boy. Im so excited my husband says he can tell im getting my baby bump. Keep posted on wat ur having
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