Im almost 8 wks and cant fit my clothes, grrrr

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
This is my 5th pregnancy, 3rd viable pregnancy, im almost 8wks and cant fit my pants and to top it off I have rodeo coming up (i live in Houston) and have a $300 belt I officially cannot fit. I have only gained 2 lbs but I guess the bloating is the enemy. ;o( does this happen this early the older u get or the more pregnancies you go through? Im almost 30.


  • I feel your pain! I am 20 years old and this is my first pregnancy and today starts week 8 and as of about a week ago my pants do not fit. I havent gained any weight (i have actually lost 5 pounds) i think i am just massively bloated r something but it is terrible. My hubby looks at me and said man your getting big fast lol well thanks for noticing haha :) im not sure if this is normal or what. I didn't think the belly would pop up for a couple months. I have no idea what's goin on. The only thing i know is that i need new pants. Sorry to hear your expensive belt doesn't fit, that's just the cherry on top of it all i guess :( im sure you will have fun at your rodeo though :) it sounds like a blast.
  • I had to go get some pants with the small materinity band yesterday because my pants don't want to fit anymore which I thought was odd because I'm only 6 weeks and not showing
  • I'm 8 weeks too! I've only gained 2 lbs but nothing fits. I feel so big lol but I'm barely showing. Are your symptoms going away at all? Mine have started to but I'm not bleeding so Idk what's wrong?
  • Oh yes if u ever come to houston, u must come in march and must must must hit rodeo....its not all tight pants wearing cowboys (although those are nice) and country music its a lot of fun. The bigger and nicer your belt is kinda a big deal...lmao so thats why I was so disappointed and yes mam it was the topping!
  • My first pregnancy I wore my regularsize pants and didn't need maternity tops til 8mo. This second pregnancy I'm squeeeezing into my pants and tops and in 16wks. I've heard after the 1st pregnancy u just expand much quicker. Dang kids! Lol!!
  • I have gained less than 5 pounds at 9 weeks, but I've been extending my button for 3 weeks now. I use a small, thick pony tail holder and loop it through itself and the button hole of my pants, then use the loop to button my pants. As long as your shirt is a little long it works. I figure it will hold me over until I start actually showing and it's not just bloating.

    I just don't want to have to buy maternity clothes for 2 seasons. I'm holding out for spring and summer. I'm due in September.
  • Awe that sounds so exciting. My mom used to live in houston way before i was born and she has a couple stories bout the rodeos :) im sure the belt buckle is a big deal. Maybe u can buy a new belt and put the buckle on it :) improvise.
  • Oh no mam, the whole belt is stoned
  • I'm only 6 wks 4 days w/ my very first and I've already bought a few maternity pieces, including a belly band so I can leave my current pants unbuttoned and unzipped. I am SOOOO bloated. Has me wondering whether there might b more than 1 Bundle Of Wonder down there.
  • So glad I'm not the only one. I haven't gained any weight, only lost. My pants are all too tight tho. I usually wear yoga pants because I hate jeans anyway
  • My yoga pants are all that fit comfortable except my VS PINK those also are too tight
  • woohoo, some of the bloating is gone, along with my appetite, anyhow belt fits again low on the belly woohoo
  • I was so confused, but see your original post was feb 6th, lol. At the other ladies, i am bloated too, lost weight but nothing fits. I am 7 weeks and now my knees are swollen. I have to watch my salt intake. I called the dr and they said it wouldn't be pregnancy related.
  • Be careful wearing that belt girl i hear your not suppose to wear a belt when you're pregnant.
  • I am 7 weeks and really bloated and feel swollen, its hard to get my rings off and on and none of my pants fit. This is my first pregnancy so I'm not sure what to expect but I feel like im getting big too fast.
  • Oh I wear a belt all the time or my pants fall down, do you women know your hips rotate at around 4weeks thus your paints may not fit :)
  • Lol....thanks ladies, its not tight and I wear it low, I wont wear it often, just rodeo
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