1st baby n hubby leaves oct

edited April 2011 in Military moms
So is anyone's hubby or bf leaving for afganastan in oct. Im due august 12 and he leaves sometime ion oct.anyone going threw that. I'm perked about him leaving and wording about my son int know who his father is


  • *worrying not perked or wording
  • I'm due on the 20th my hubby leaves in June so I know how you feel.
  • Ur baby will know his daddy they have skype and phones there my hubbie just deployed in mid april im due in july and he gets r&r in mid july then wont be home till next april but he always reasures me that his son will know him, its hard but with all the technolige now n days you 3 will be fine
  • get an oovoo account and talk
  • 1starmymama- I know how you're feeling my husband is in the marines and Im due Aug. 30 hes due to deploy early Sept. to Afghan. Hopefully we can be friends and support each other since were on the same boat. =)
  • @1starmymama I completely know how you feel, I am due June 29th and my husband leaves for IRQ in August...and this is our first as well. I am upset about it, but I know that its important that I stay strong for our daughter. This is something I knew would happen when we signed up for it and we will get through it together one day at a time! I think of it this way.....I would rather have an infant through one year old MAX (then he will be home) then to have a 4 or 5 year old crying in my lap asking me where daddy is and why isnt he home with us ya know? Right now that helps me a little bit, and I know that our babygirl will be too young to remember her daddy being gone. It will be okay! Just stay as positive as possible and the deployment will fly by ;)
  • My hubby is marines. I'm due Nov 7th and he left last month. He will not be him in time for the birth. I have to do it all alone...with a 3 yr old.
  • @missprego def we should be friends. Thank you ladies we def all need each other ... @sands3. Do u think ur hubby will be able to get some leave... for ur birth?
  • @1starmymama- Do you know where your husband is going?
  • Afghanistan.... this october but im not to exactly where in afghanistan or exactly what day he leaves
  • 1starmymama- My husband leaves for Afghan in early Sept. Do you know how long hes gonna be gone? My husband leaves for a 7 month deployment.
  • @ missprego my hubby is gone for 18 months
  • No...my hubby will not be able to come home for the birth :'(
  • Aww. Sands3 im sry .... that really stinku
  • Hubby leaves fir 8 months in august and I'm due on Halloween with our first and family is on other side of continent :(
    I knew this was gonna happen but getting harder and harder to accept.
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