im sick of being the one to make all the sacrifices... rant!

I feel like through this whole pregnancy I've been worn down to the bone. My husband expects so much from me and I get absolutely nothing in return. We have a 17 month old and I am the only one who takes care of him. I go to night school from 5-10 so dad babysits him then but half the time he takes my son over to his parents house so he doesn't have to watch him. When they do stay home, the house is trashed and more often than not, my son is in the same diaper I left him in and usually put to bed in his clothes. My husband barely works 20 hours a week and has the balls to tell me that he shouldn't have to do as much because he works and it makes him tired. Oh I'm sorry, I guess it doesn't matter that I am making a person 24 hours a day and still picking up your slack on top of everything I already do all day.
Now, on top of all this, I don't exactly have the greatest inlaws in the world either. Its very unpleasent for me to be there, and for some reason he was raised thinking that when you go visit, you have to be there by 10am and can't leave until atleast 9pm. Yesterday we went and as soon as we got there, he takes off with his brothers to go golfing for half the day and leaves me not only with my son, but an entire house filled with screaming neices and nephews. Wow that's exactly how I wanted to spend my day.


  • o_O
    Yeah, he needs a reality check. I admit, I would be tired when I'd come home from work when I worked part time, but I'd still take care of my apartment and walk a mile to my husband's job to see him during his break and walk back.
    I think you need to sit down and have a serious discussion with him. Tell him that you need help now and you'll especially need help when the new baby arrives. Give him a Daddy 101 class on how to properly take care of your kids (how often to check a diaper, when to feed, where pajamas are and how they go on, etc). Seems like elementary stuff, but some people just need a little (or a big) push.
  • It bothered me that you said "dad babysits". It's not babysitting when the child is his too. You are not being treated fairly. Have you even talked to him about the whole situation? If you have and he is not listening maybe some family counseling is in order.
  • Thank you @VictoriaB. We've talked about things a little but I should take it further. I just don't want to be a nag.
    @CarrieLee we've been to 2 counseling sessions and quit because I guess we thought things were getting better. That was about a month ago. Its gone rreally downhill since then.
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