sun burned

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
so my question to you ladies is does a sun burn effect your baby


  • Not that I know of; but the heat from sitting out in the sun like that can, so make sure you down a ton of water when you sit out like that, okay? :-)
  • @snowwhitej well i hope not because im like a lobster ive been out in my garden for the last 2 days as im not allowed under the sunbeds and dont really like being white as a ghost lol, this is my 3rd baby and have never heard its wrong so i hope its not x
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  • thanks ladies just wanted some reassurance this sun burn wasnt planned so its good to know it wont hurt the little one
  • Baby lotion from johnson and johnson helps soothe it I got one from garage saleing
  • thank you my bf moms gave me some aloe vera with lidocaine but then i was reading and it said its a b risk to the baby which mean a low risk but the risk part i dont like even if it is low
  • Ya I used the baby lotion and a bath to rehydration my skin
  • I laughed when I read the title cuz my husband had JUST said to me(while I was clicking on pregly) don't stay in the sun tomorrow your face almost looks purple. I look downright silly cuz my neck is red and my face but not under by my chin. To my knowledge it doesn't affect the baby but you may want to put sunblock on your belly if you're out in the sun(wearing a 2 piece or something), I do knoe later on in pregnancy they can "see" light..which still doesn't make sense to me :/
  • lol that is funny i know how you feel half of my neck and chest is red, my left arm is red, and the left side of my ask me how i did it like that i was sitting in a truck hiding from the sun or so i thought...but the dang sun sunk up on me
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