countin down til labor how bout u?



  • 21.... but hopefully induced the that's 12 days!
  • 70more days,,, a total of 9 weeks for me,,, I hope it flys by,,, im so ready to see and meet my lil man
  • 4 days til induction! :-)
  • @Babygeesmama2b I have had hard pregnancies, and since this one is so big we're scared of her getting stuck. I have a midwife and will labor how I want, but in the hospital with a dr there just in case!
  • 87.... looooonnnggg days... its gonna seem like forever exspecially cause I'm due july 29th so the heat will prolly make it 50 times worse
  • @Babygeesmama2b that was just 2 of the 5 I have had already. And the total hrs of labor was 20, and 8 for those 2. My first was 20 hrs &20 min pushing, 2nd was 8 hrs & 20 min pushing, 3rd was 13 hrs & 2 pushes, 4th was 22 hrs, and 15 minutes pushing she was face up and had cord around neck 2 times, 5th was 12 hrs and 2 pushes....would love for this one to be 8 hrs or shorter and another 2 pushes...Lol
  • 17 days I had false labour 2 last thursday, really annoying poor hubby had,to go to work after an hrs sleep
  • @ammasmama Wow you are having your 6th!! Congrats lol that's enough reason to celebrate right there! So you would probably know what to do if you got stuck at home ;) boo for huge babies that sounds painful. I hope its two pushes for you too!! You deserve it after 5 kiddies!
  • 20 days left :)
  • @babygeesmama2b My friend said something about me getting to the hospital in time, I jokingly said I've had 5 I'm sure I could do it, plus I'd call you!( shes an emt) she said oh no, call 911, shes 25 minutes a way! Lol I cant wait I have my u/s at 3 and find out the weight, and if they are going to strip my membranes today(fingers crossed they do!) And hopefully set up date for induction!!! Its exciting knowing its soooo close!!! Even though we dont have a name yet!
  • 25 days to go hopefully sooner, his head is down, 2cm dilated and 50% effaced as of last Friday, I get checked again Thursday
    ! Hopefully I've progressed some.
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