24 weeks movement?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
At 24 weeks how much is your baby supposed to move? Is it okay to feel the baby one day and not the next?


  • Have you started to feel baby move a lot or just a few times?
  • Well I started feeling her move alot since 22 weeks and today is just weird she is not moving as much and I just was wondering if it normal still and my Dr.office is closed
  • Oh yeah. At 24 weeks u should definitley be feeling some movement, but baby isn't quite big enough for u to feel every movement even tho it is moving every day. Just the firmer kicks is what u will feel. I say about 28-32 weeks anywhere in there is where u would start feeling daily movement. But sometimes u will feel it day after day, just dont worry if u go a couple days without feeling anything. But baby IS moving.
  • @babyboyontheway thank you this is my first so I wasent sure since there's never been a day I haven't felt her but I just drank a lot of water and I can feel her kicking my bladder now! Thank you so much :D
  • try to make her move something sweet and or cold can help lay flat on back etc it might put your mind at ease I am 22 weeks and I have been feeling my lil man for over a month at first not every day but now its more like every hour does your doctor have a nurse on call? It might make you feel better
  • @socalMOMMA2boys I tried cold water and laying on my side but I didn't feel anything untill I drank a hole bunch of water and felt her kicking my bladder and there is only a nurse on call every other weekend it sucks but thankyou so much for your help!
  • Yeah the trick is to eat something with sugar or drink ice cold water and lay down, that's what my dr says for me to do now to count kicks, but I'm 34 weeks and if I'm not feeling movement everyday then something could be wrong. But for u i wouldn't even expect to always feel baby after eating and drimking only because the size of your baby at 24 weeks, u won't always feel all the rolls and tumbles and kicks. Plus the bones arnt as hard yet so u will most likely only feel the firm, hard jabs. But every week movement becomes more noticeable and more often, so yay! I think i was around 28 or 29 weeks when i was laying down one morning and actually saw my tummy thump out it was awesome :) at your next appointment ask your dr when u should start feeling daily movement they will know due to go big the baby is.
  • @babyboyontheway when she does kick I can feel it on the outside its so cool to watch! and she normally moves all the time so when she wasent moving for a couple hours I freaked out but she is moving like crazy now maybe she was sleping?.... but I will ask when I should feel her all the time thank you
  • Your welcome :)
  • Drink a ton of water some pop n lay on left side see if it helps
  • @kandc1015 that's weird they only have a nurse every other weekend? I think everyone freaks out about fetal movement all the time. I know I do my lil guy sleeps all the time except the fews hours here and there when I am not moving.
  • @socalMOMMA2boys yeah I hate that on weekends they are not open and only have a nurse on call every other weekend so they told me if the nurse isn't on call that weekend to just go to the er and they will send me to the birthing center it don't really make since to me cause they have to call my doctor in anyways idk but it sucks
  • I'm 28 weeks and its getting where I can feel him move all the time
  • @mscheyla yeah I normally feel her almost all the time but today she just wasent moving like normal but I guess she was sleeping cause I've been feeling her like crazy since like 4:30 it was just scary not feeling her
  • Yeah my baby does that every once in while. Lately he is ready to go but some days he just sleeps. If you don't feel her all day or 8 hours, I think it is, than you should get concerned and contact your doctor
  • Be great if they told you the only deliver during business hours only geesh lol!
  • @mscheyla yeah I'm glad your baby does it every once in a while I'm going to talk to my doctor about it more cause he thought I was going into early labor at 22 weeks.

    @socalMOMMA2boys yeah I know right lol I don't know why its like that
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