cramping in early pregnancy

Hello!! I recently found out I was pregnant and I had a question for first time moms as well as mothers, when I take a nap in the day mostly in the daytime only, I wake up with cramping like my period is about to come on. On a scale of 1 to 10 its like a 7 or an 8. Has any one ever had these same symptoms? Any comments will help!


  • I had some pretty Sharp cramps through the beginning. It's normal to cramp, but I would probably check with your doctor if they are that severe.
  • I felt like I was getting my period for the 1st month its just implantation most of the time in the very beginning
  • I had thoes there due to the stretching aslong as your not bleeding i think its okay
  • I had slight cramping in the beg.
  • Thanks to all! Didn't know I would get a response back so fast! Thanks ladies!! I go to the doctor Thursday but I'm trying not to worry. But I have figured it only happens when I lie on my back during a nap.
  • I too had kramping in early preg (for more than a month!) . I also had some spotting. All just like my period was about to kome on. Doctor said everything was fine tho. Im a healthy 20 weeks along now.
  • I cramped for the my first 3 1/2 months but my dr told me it was just the.stretching of my uterus.
  • I didn't think I was pregnant BECAUSE I was crampin JUST like my period was about to start! I was 5 days late so I took a test & it was positive! I had the period like cramps til I was almost 8 wks. It's normal as long as there's no bleeding. It's just ur uterus & all that stretching & growing.
  • I still cramp and I'm 21 weeks. Its just stretching.
  • I am 9wks had cramping since 4wks. But real bad in the last 2wks, went to Dr & he said its normal unless u have bleeding at the same time!
  • I cramped like that too until around 9 weeks. It has lightened up a bit to about a 5. I'm 18 weeks. Some may cramp a bit through whole pregnancy but it should lighten up. :)
  • go to a doctor just to be on the safe side ur cramps seem to be pretty strong, but yea if u see blood go to the doctor
  • Im 6 weeks in and I had cramps so bad I yellped! And I have a high high pain tolerance! Glad to know its normal. Haven't seen a obgyn yet so I was slightly worried that I was going to lose this one like the others but no bleeding so I think that's safe.
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