I am glad he is dead but I unfortunatly feel there will be another to take his place the fight against evil is never over you just try to hold it at bay. I am waiting to see what happens next. Sorry I feel like im being a debbie downer. But yay he's dead screw that s.o.b
I agree with @diverwfe I was just talking to my husband about it and he.said it could either be good or bad and there could be.someone worse then bin laden waiting to take over.
As much as I want.our.troops home and my hubby not to leave I don't think they'll pull them out anytime soon.
I don't think they'll bring our men home either and I am very nrvous about what will happen next there is bound to be some retaliation also unfortunatly the war isn't about this one man its about a whole group of psycho violent extremists and I bet they are pissed right now
As much as I want.our.troops home and my hubby not to leave I don't think they'll pull them out anytime soon.