Don't worry I was the same way but it was only a few wks. It does get better just tell him to put the moves on you. When it happened to me I nvr even wanted to start anything. But once he laid by me and put him moves on it was fine. So don't worry it will get better ;-)
You know I am the same way. I'm 17 weeks already and I still don't ever feel like being even looked at!!! But what I have my bf do is rub my back and then he'll start to kiss me and that works magic! LOL! He has to ease me to want to do it, but it doesn't always work since sometimes I fall asleep! LOL! Good luck!
At the beginning I was sooo sick so the thought of anything except sleep was iiittt of the question. Then I found out I might have placenta previa so no sex. Then my ob cleared me and said go ahead and have sex....but I just dont want to! I dibt know why I have no desire to be touched whatsoever, I don't even like to cuddle anymore! I feel so bad this has been a sexless pregnancy and I'm 28 weeks!