Planned Parenthood- no more funding.

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Good or bad idea? and why you believe so.


  • bad hard enough as it is n tgere should be support for everyone
  • Hmmm....I'm on the fence about this. On the one hand they provide birth control and pap smears to women who otherwise couldn't afford them. But I've read about them facilitating abortions for underage girls, performing late term abortions, and not really educating women about the procedure itself and encouraging women to have it....and all of that I have a huge problem with taxpayer money being spent on it.
  • I nva been there but I think both gud cause some ppl abuse it n the docs are always screwing up on abortion but bad cause some ppl really need it
  • bad. For the women that need the extra help and education it's a shame. How many babies will be born to parents that dont want them. And planned parenthood has the best sexual education presentation I've heard. Very informative on all topics sex related.
  • edited May 2011
    Bad idea. 3% of PP resources go toward performing abortions. 97% is used to provide much-needed medical services to people who often would not have it otherwise. Education, birth control, family services, basic gynecological care, etc. I used to work there. Also, most of their money is not taxpayer money. Most is funding is from individuals who support their mission that evey child should be a wanted child. I used to work there.
  • @twinkiesmom u r 100% RIGHT! Planned parenthood budget has change and is paying for abortions at any leagal stage now and even that has expanded further. Instead if educational support and bc pills they r supporting more abortions and paying for them and not is a very very MESSED up ordeal! I really wanted to drop the F-bomb there lol
  • Used to work there sweetie. It has changes in the last month. Rememer that government shutdown scare? It was taking long because thy were discussing planned parenthood budget first. More money is going to abortions
  • edited May 2011
    I know I'm gonna get heck for this, but my cousin had an abortion when she was a jr I think I used to hate her for it cuz I had my son as a sophnore. Anyways I am super close with my cousin and can see her reasons for why she got an abortion (her dad woulda beat her and the dad worthless and other reasons) but planned parenthood referred her, my aunt paid for it but they counciled ger thru it. Shes 20 now and doing good. Just saying it might be best for some women. Like a safe haven

    That being said I don't support tax dollars paying for abortions
  • I just don't know.... I don't agree with abortion so I don't want to support an organization that condones it yet it's so important that all women can receive medical care and get valuable information and support. I'm on the fence.
  • @mandac10 thanks. I honestly didn't even know about the late term abortions or the ones for underage girls until recently but its terrible. And I agree I think there should definitely be more education and birth control and way less abortions.
  • Planned parenthood cannot use federal funds for abortions, therefor the only ones getting punished are the people use it for health reasons like pap smears and bc, it is a bad thing. Not funding planned parenthood is not going to change that abortions are going to happen. I had an abortion at planned parenthood and they had me do research online and told me about my options including adoptions and assistance available for women. I was never pressured, or forced and was able to come to my own opinion. Just my opinion of course :)
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  • The organization has grown tremendously since it's founding near the beginning of the last century.
  • @AKmommy planned parenthood is using funds for abortions it has been in effect for just a lil while now.
  • @2ndbutfirst I've heard that too. So sad. Smh.
  • edited May 2011
    Alright, well in my opinion, Although abortion is NOT for me, I cannot say what another women should be forced to do, because I don't know their situation. Cutting funds for planned parenthood will no doubt lead to a higher STD rate, and more unwanted pregnancies. Which will lead to more women getting government assistance to care for these children. Which defeats the whole purpose of a budget cut in the first place. Now if they're doing this strictly to save money, wouldn't you think they would realize the cost of having a child is more than an abortion or birth control? Let me just add in there, if a female cannot afford birth control what makes them think they can afford a child?
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  • edited May 2011
    Well, I would think (but don't know for sure) not all people just go for treatment. They go to get tested also, if a person test positive for an STD or HIV, they may become more aware of taking precautions not to spread this around. (or ones with a soul anyways) EX: If your boyfriend cheated on you, you would want to know your clean right? @2ndbutfirst
  • @2ndbutfirst I completely agree. I think tax dollars could go to more important things..
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  • Planned patenthood goes to classes and teaches sex ed and preventions. Which woukd get ppl informed and lower std rate. Atleast the one here does
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  • Ya that's all my hs taught was abstinence
  • I live in NC right now where PP is not funded by the state I used to live on NY where it is. In my profession healthcare us never an option unless at an individual outrageous rate. When living in NY I had to turn to PP for my pap and my biopsy of very at risk cells, they also offer birth control plan b and so on for no is this so terrible?? Now living in NC I had to ignore the treatment I needed bc I didn't have several thousand dollars...2 years later I'm prego so now my prego Medicaid will pay for it.It allows people who can't afford a pap, which is very important, an option in contraceptives and help in preventing cervical cancer. Women have a choice of their own to make with abortion but I will say this, the facilities are clean and you have to get the funding thru emergency Medicaid to fund abortions thru them and PP just helps u with paperwork. It give women an option in all aspects and offers a sense of security with sexual health. I would love to know how many of you are against the funding if PP but all for the health care reform...its the SAME concept...with the belief no one should be left out
  • Well, if planned parenthood didn't exist I wouldn't have been able to see a gyn at all in the last 7 years. I can't afford private health insurance and my job doesn't offer it. And when my baby is born and my Medicaid gets cut off I'll probably have to go back there so I guess I'm torn because of my situation, and reading everyone's posts.:/
  • Good. Maybe then children will stop having sex and gettin abortions like It's no big deal. Making sex the adult thing it is anyone who has sex will b forced to be responsible. Handing out bc to a 12 yr old is helping them have sex n as a mother I will not have tht choice left up to a planned parent hood. I will take full action to help my daughter with all her needs. Parents also will need to start caring for the teens who had no guidelines and are the one who get abortions for fact of in wanted pregnancy. Well prevent it and if u lay down to have sex u are adult enough to know sex equals baby.
  • Does it cause them to be responsible or does it force tax payers to support them and their baby??
  • We do regardless lol.
  • I also wanna point out that planned parenthood isn't the only place that gives you that "choice". When I went to the Dr to confirm my pregnancy the nurse asked me right out if I wanted to continue with my pregnancy. So its not just them. I switched to a midwife BTW, but not because of that.
  • It costs much less to provide birth control and women's health then to raise a child
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