37 weeks and had enough!!!

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Im so fed up of being preg, i just want to hav my baby now. Does any1 know of any ways to get thingd sarted? Baby is head down but not engaged yet. I feel movement low down but also get very bad rib pain. Does any1 know what is g on in there? This is my first so im unsure. Thanx. I just dont think i can take another 5 weeks.


  • I am 37 weeks and ready too. My little boy is head down but hasn't dropped. At my appointment last week they said he weighed 7lbs and had his feet in my ribs. I feel pain all over wen he moves around.
  • im 37 aswell, ive tried, sex, nipple stimulation, walking, dancing, spicy food, baths, talking to bub so far nothing. I took coloxyl and senna which is a stool softner n stimulant all that happened was I peed 5 times theb puked, ve tried stretching in down there n nothing oh well lol
  • All in all, nothing will start labor. You can try all the recommended stuff like walking and sex and nipple stimuation, but it's not a surefire thing and baby is gonna come when baby is ready. It sucks, but it is what it is...I am 38 weeks and wanna be done too! :(
  • I see you said another 5 weeks. Their making you go 42 weeks? Technically 37 weeks is considered fullterm and they don't normally let you go over 41 weeks. I would be miserable if I was you having to wait 5 weeks instead of 3. I have my baby girl June 1 and its dragging so I feel your pain.
  • Yeah my midwife said im not overdue ttill 42 weeks so i hav to wait till then b4 they do anything. I want my baby girl but i guess ill just hav to wait till shes ready.
  • I am 38 weeks and so done. I am dialated to 3, 50% effaced and baby is at -1, she is actually lower than my cervix, I didnt know that was possible!! But they said due to the size they will induce at 39 weeks which is mothers day! So I have 6 days or less. Oh and I go tomorrow for her weight again and they said they might strip my membranes....Pray they do!!!
  • ammasmama i am so jelous, i want things to start moving along. im seeing the midwife next week so fingers crossed she has moved down abit by then. good luck :)
  • My baby just seems like his not ready to come yet: ( and I need him out now! !!!soo tired of being prego
  • I see a midwife and due to baby's size she is going to induce at 39 weeks. I have never heard of them letting you go til 42 weeks.
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