The nerve of some ppl!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I just got back from babies r us with my fiance and the cashier there asked me when I was having my baby, then right before I could answer she said anyday now right? I told her no I was due late september n she said "no way! R u having twins?" So I proceeded to tell her no again that im having one baby her last words were "wow ur big!" My fiance said I shpuld have thrown her off and told her I wasnt even preggo just to see what she said. Lol anyways the damn nerve of some ppl!


  • oh if only people would think before they opened their mouths...this world would be a much better place! You were way nicer than I would have been!
  • Wow am sry hun ppl just font understand
  • She probably hasnt had kids and obviously she doesnt know what she is talking about..
  • I'm in the same boat girl..after my second it seemed any weight I gained was in mu belly so if I look down I "see" a basketball..I'm thinking when I'm further along getting a shirt made up " it was triplets but I ate 2" LOL
    Any of you ever see 2Weeks Notice with Hugh grant and Sandra bullock? There's a scene where they're interviewing a replacement and he says whens the baby due amd the lady asjs what babu?! He tried to play it off like he was talking about an animal at the zoo ohh it was funny :)
  • Stupid fat thumbs lol"asks what baby!" Lol
  • You should have asked her when she is due... Would have atleast given her a complex
  • I don't think thats such big deal, some people grow sooner than others and just because you have a big preggo belly does not mean you are a fat ass, its somethin you have no control of.
  • Lol thanks you guys made me feel better! :)
    @mrs_shu thats an awesome idea!
  • I know how it feels. had a girl on here tell me I was huge and looked like i was having 10 babies!
  • @ghettobetty wow! See! The nerve of some effin ppl!!!! >:p
  • I know LOL I was pissed when it happened now I think it's funny....
  • I hate when people comment on my weight so I usually say something sarcastic back or comment on their weight! Just because I am pregnant doesn't give you the right!
    @ghettobetty You look cute in your pic! And you should have told her you were having 9 babies ;-)
  • it all got deleted before I could respond darn it! I'm a proud plus size momma!
  • My aunt told me at my (horrible) gender reveal party that I looked like I was too big already. She told me I need to watch my weight! Ugh... salt on the wound.
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