U/S in 3hrs...... Come oooon Double Blue!



  • One is head down n the other is breach. They have been bad from the start. Lol, they never act right even with checking the heartbeat they always run.
  • OH CRAP! Lol :) we'll find out the same day then! They must be boys, already giving mama heartburn!!! :)
  • Oh man! Yup, those sound like boys to me! ;) well May 6 isn't too far away! You know you're going to be bombarded with messages that day! :D
  • I don't know y I didn't talk to u guys, u r making me feel so much better along with that new Coach bag hubby bought me. Lol

    <3 <3 <3
  • Aww well hopefully you will find out at your next u/s :)
  • Sweet!!! And a new bag??? I think the babies were just trying to hook you up ;)
  • edited May 2011
  • Do you know if they are identical or fraternal? If they are identical go to CVS and try the gender predictor! Or try the Chinese gender calendar its not 100% but maybe it will be good luck to look!
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  • My twins do that too! Little pranksters. Lol good luck at your next ultrasound!
  • Thanks again ladies! They r gonna get a spanking if they don't act right next time ( as my Dr say ) lol

    @baby2dec14thyayy they r fraternal to my knowledge

    @kerrideern I was too, but oh well

    @mrsstanley_x2 it nerve recking right
  • They're hopefully boys.... boys are so active and don't cooperate :o)
  • Did you find out yet hun?
  • Boooo!! Well hope they behave tomorrow. :)
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