Does anyone know how you can keep your body after you have the baby? I'm five ft tall and approx 93 lbs. I don't want to lose my body after the baby....I'm not trying to be shallow. Im sure you other girls understand....
Most of it comes off within the first 3 months, but just keep a good diet and regular exercise. There's also a vitamin you can take to speed up your metabolism. I was worried about that too, I was 19 when my first was born, 22 when my second was born. She's 6 months and I'm 6 weeks preg. The weight does come off quick if you're not lazy
Trust me you are not shallow...I wasn't happy with my weight BEFORE finding out I was pregnant, so now I'm like ahhh!! I don't wanna get huge!! Lol but as long as your not filling up on empty calories and laying around 24/7, most of the weight u gain is going to come off fast
I totally understand! Just try not to get too hung up on it, because it will only stress you out. I've been writing down everything I eat and tracking my exercise, it really helps keep me in line. I do let myself give in to cravings a cpl times a week, because it makes me happy lol
Me too, I tried it with my first 2 but ur was just so painful I had to stop. I'm determined to breastfeed this one, pump or not. Formula costs too much
Breast feeding gives the baby all your immunities, is perfect food. Varies in tast dependant on what you eat. So not only does baby get a variant but she gets used to healthy foods if you east right. It does burn fat fast and it makes your stomach muscles contract putting them back into place faster. It can hurt at first but usually only lasts a few days. A week tips. Then its all good. And a great bonding time with your baby too.
Breastfeeding burns an average of 500 calories a day. It also contacts ur uterous ever time you do it helping ur belly to get small again. Look into belly wraps. You can google or youtube it. If used right apparently u can lose up to 4 inches off ur belly in just a few weeks and u can keep using it and keep moving down in belly wrap sizes. My mom gained average 80 wih each baby and lost about 60 in the first few months after birth, ask ur mom how she was with weight gain and loss before n after pregnancy. Normaly ur body follows ur moms. Also just a side note... ask how much u weighed n how much baby daddy weighed at birth n that should give u an idea. Of how much ur baby should weigh.
Once you start breast feeding the weight will come off! You will burn 1600 calories a day just to produce the milk. That's a pound lost per day. Plus new moms is a busy mom. Feeding 2 bathing 2 dressing 2. Breast feeding also tightens you vagina!