pimples while pregnant with girl

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
How many of you have had pimples while being preggo with a girl? ?? I want to see how true this is... cuz I have sum crazy pimples on my face!


  • I can't remember if I had zits with my daughter, but this time I've sure got them! I don't want to know the sex until delivery but its a fun theory!
  • I Got them on my face chest and back with both my girls. I dont have acne with this one, hopefully boy
  • With my boys I felt absolutely beautiful with glowy skin, this time I'm so ugly and broke out all over. I hoping that means its a girl. I've heard that girls steal mommas beauty! :)
  • With my girls i looked beautiful...now .with my baby boy i feel ugly...but you may be getting pimples cuz your.hormones.are changing
  • With my daughter my face broke out badly, with my son my face was perfectly clear
  • Well I just turned 8 weeks today so I have a long way to go till I find out the sex.. uhg..
  • I'm on my 3rd girl. I broke out with the last 2 girls and for the first few months with this one. I had clear skin with my son the entire time......
  • Im having a BOY and definitely breaking out! So it must not just be girls... either that or my lil man is gonna be like his daddy... a 'pretty boy' lol
  • I break out too and am having a girl :)
  • This is just an old wives tale. Sorry but acne can not predict the gender of ur baby. Acne during pregnancy is caused by hormones, deit change, and lack of exercise.
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