braxton hicks at 14 weeks???

edited May 2011 in Second pregnancy
That's what it feels like. I've been busy all day cleaning and packing and now I'm feeling...well, what feels like BH it possible this early? I'm now sitting down and drinking a ton of water, but my abdomen still seems tight :/


  • Yes. It's possible as early as 6 weeks, just for most women they aren't strong enough to feel
  • My doc said you usually get them early on from over working yourself while being dehydrated so keep the fluids going in and just relax for the rest of the day and take it easy all day tomorrow! I'm sure you're fine bit if you feel like something is wrong get checked out! Its the best way to know for sure!
  • 6 weeks??? Wow! Thank you for feel so much relief right now! I was kinda freaking out!
  • @baby2dec14yayy thank you for your response! I'll take it easy today!
  • Yeah no problem the saw thing happened with my first and same thing happening with this one! When are you due?
  • I felt them around that time too
  • So glad to hear its normal :) I'm due 10/30 :)
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