14 weeks and feel baby above my belly button???

edited May 2011 in Second pregnancy
So, I know at 20 weeks your uterus is at your belly button...so, I'm at little wired out that I can feel the baby moving aboyt an inch above my belly button at 14 weeks. Anyone else feel the baby higher than where your uterus should be or am I nuts??? LOL


  • I was feeling my baby really high in my uterus the whole time. I thought I was crazy but my midwife confirmed that my uterus was higher than the books say it should be.
  • Thank you! Maybe I'm not nuts! LOL
  • It could be gas bubbles too.
  • During my last ultrasound the top of my uterus was above my belly button and the baby was pretty much filling my uterus. I am 14 weeks tomorrow...but according to my us I'm 14w4d...just waiting to see if my Dr changes my DD.
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