mommas of toddlers.....

edited May 2011 in Parenting
I have the sweetest baby girl whos almost 2 and loves to "nuggle" (snuggle) and sit in my lap and baby boy is coming this month. I really hope I have enough time and room in my lap to nuggle both of them. Anyone have advise for meeting the needs of more than one? Anyone else scared they won't be able to meet their eldests needs?


  • oh u will dont w(rry, u just adapt I have a 3 a 1 n 2 weeks of a newborn n we all have our specia time together. plus bubs will either feed or sleep so ur 2yo should still get plenty of mum time
  • @bummy87 thanks! I needed to hear that.
  • I have no idea I have a 17 month old who will be 21 almost 22months old when my son is born and she is a die hard mommys girl! She has to be the center of attention dont even like it when I hold my roomies baby, idk what im guna do!
  • I have a 2 yr old (will be 3 when have baby girl) and 4 yr old boys. It was actually easier than I thought with those two... not sure about this one but they are excited for a sister
  • @onmy3rdangel does she know babys coming yet? Around that time "her baby" started to get my daughter presents. Every time we went to the doctor the baby would give his big sister a present and tell her how excited he was her. We'd do little fun things like bubbles and some big sister books a helium balloon (from dollar tree) every once in a while. She's excited right now. She talks to the baby every day and pats my belly. When she sees a baby at church in the car seat carriers she squeals and gets all excited. I just hope she's excited when baby boy comes home
  • She does the cutest thing....she has a mouse from some kiddy laptop and she uses it like a doppler on my belly and makes heartbeat noises O:)
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