for pregos with deployed hubbies

edited May 2011 in Military moms
So do you gal's get all sad and emotional when u read some of the post about ppl complaning about ther hubbie doing this or that, also the cute ones like he did this for me today, I get a lil sad when I see those like I wish my hubbie was home to take up the whole bed again and bring me cockies and cream hearshy bars just cuz he knows I like that certin type.... sorry laddies I'm just really mising my army man


  • Thank u and ur hubby. This post is a good reminder for me...I love my glad he's out tho. Hope ur hubby is home soon. Sending prayers ur way
  • During my husbands first deployment, it was hard, but I worked and focused on moving up (I got promoted twice within a few months) and spending time with my son (from a previous marriage). The second deployment was a little easier, but there were nights were it was hard. As soon as he returned from his last deployment, we moved from California to Hawaii. Before we moved, we found out we were expecting (deployment baby, lol). Unfortunately I miscarried around 6 & 1/2 weeks and had to go through the D&C alone as I was in Cali dealing with a custody issue and he was in Hawaii. In the last 4 months, he's gone tdy 3 times (just left again today). Sure, they are only a few days to 2 weeks, but it's constantly interrupting my sleep pattern, lol. Hopefully after this tdy, he can spend 30 days at's been a while since we've had that much time together. It takes a strong woman to watch her man leave and carry on at home to ensure everything functions in his absence. You're not alone sweetie. *hugs*
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