Harassment at work (long)

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I am having some problems at work. I work with two women who think they are everyones boss, when in all reality they are no ones boss. They have been talking about me to everyone, then the other people tell me what they say. They will not speak to me at all. Recently they have been accusing me of speeding to my assistant manager. I work at a rehab school so the speed limit is 25. On campus we have our own police dept. They called them and had them wait for me to come to work and tried to get me in trouble. But I don't speed. I go the limit. Well the cop came in and told them that I was going 25. They got mad at that. I have never done ANYTHING to these women. What should I do? I am fittin to have a breakdown.


  • If you have people who will stand by you go with them to the head hancho there and explain whats going on.. see what happens.. idk how hours work there but if its possible change hours or work diff days or change divisions...
  • @kritten_octoberbby, we work in the cafeteria there so the hours are limited :( The problem with telling the main boss is that he let's them get away with murder. I think they know somethin on him and he don't want to tick them off...
  • That is stupid. Ugh yea what @kritten_octoberbby said go invoice their heads. And good luck with these bitches.
  • Is there a human resource department?
  • above I, mean. Well invoicing may work lol . Try and get them in trouble. You can file company harassment charges, they will have that on record. It is law that they have to do something about it.
  • HR sounds best.
  • Thank y'all for your advice. I'm gonna try to talk to my boss today.
  • How about getting them in trouble.. if nothing else works get dirty :)
  • Go to Human Resources!!
  • The BEST thing is to go to HR but knowing me, my hormones wouldn't let me, I'd bitch the hell out of them!
  • Maybe they are jealous of your good news(pregnancy). File harassment charges if u can. May be a blessing for the whole company.
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