lower stomach pain.

I'm around 4 weeks and I'm having soreness and cramping in my lower stomach area. Is this just cause my womb is stretching, or should I be concerned?


  • I did too it's growing pains girl get use to it if u start bleeding call a doctor even though some women bleed and it's normal many don't so call ur doc
  • I'm 5 weeks and I get the same thing. I told my doctor and was told it was normal.
  • I'm 18weeks & still get the growing pains.your baby grows your uterus grows so the pain will come and go throughout pregnancy.
  • Thank you ladies. (:
  • i'm 11w5d and sitting at work wanting to go home cause of my growing pains. so yeah, don't worry too much about it unless you start bleeding.
  • Okay sounds good! I haven't had my first prenatal appt. Yet so I'm just concerned.
  • I was worried coz I experience that too since when I was six weeks till now (am now 9 weeks) and what these ladies are telling you are the exact thing they told me as well as my doctor :) so let's be as stress free as possible whoa , easier said than done as am having my own anxiety attack ..(pls read my post) :(
  • im hurtin too girl! its so bad i cant sleep! drink lots of water and keep hydrated it should help if not get checked out it cant hurt to make sure! good luck i hope you feel better soon! all of you!
  • I don't remember this much pain with my last 2 pregnancies. This time is so different then those. I have been in almost non stop pain for the last 2 or so weeksm I'm 6 weeks. I really hope this dies down soon. Its quiet painful but not so bad I need to go to hospital and I'm not spotting or bleeding. So I hope that its just growing pains.
  • @johnkaye I sure hope so! Its off and on with me. Sometimes sharp pains, sometimes moderate. And yes, it is so much easier said than done to be stress free! Especially in my house. Loud noises tend to give me anxiety really bad..and they are doing constuction on our home..so its a lot of banging and drilling, etc. Try to stay positive though. I've cut a lot of people and things out of my life that have been stressing me out more. And its been easier.

    @baby2dec14yayy I've noticed a lot of water helps haha thank you! And yeah my first appt. Is on june 1st. I'm sooo excited. They said ill get to hear my babys heartbeat! :D

    @angel26 that's not good :/ but I'm sure and I hope you are fine! Have you told your doc.?
  • I'm About 4 weeks and I get them too, but no bleeding. And it's mostly at night...probably because I drink water all day at work.
  • ~wishin4first yeah I get them mostly at night. Especially when I have a full bladder!
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