TMI bleeding and sex

edited May 2011 in USA moms
I just had my son 3 weeks ago. Afterwards I had a tubal done. Blah on those. Lol. I have been bleeding non stop since my son was born. I asked my doctor at my sons 2 week visit if I should still be bleeding heavy and he said no it should be light. He said if it didn't slow down in a week to make an appt to see him. Well the other night the husband and I decided to try and have sex. Things went great. Lol. It was amazing. After we got done we went to bed and I woke up the next morning had haven't bleed since. Yay. So excited. But now hubby was like that was stupid we shouldn't have done that. You could be pregnant. Stupid I had a tubal done. Don't think that's gna happen. Lol. How do I give him some relief that we are okay and that we can't get pregnant?
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