Hubby says the dumbest things!!!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok just with this pregnancy, last night he says, " that is so cute!" While Im changing for bed. Im like what. He says," you got that big firm pregnant belly and then that little roll of flab at the bottom!" Like it was a compliment!

he also walked up behind me in the kitchen one day and traced mu hips with his hands. Then says, " I love your double butt!" Seriously!

They say its our hormones, I think its their stupidity!!!!

What your S/O said that has you thinking, is he the dumbest man in the world???????


  • Haha I would have hit him. Mine said he's never been with someone who weighed more than him -___- then when we showered together (after not doing so for quite some time) he looked at my belly and with wide eyes said OMG you're so big and round. They have no filter lol
  • edited May 2011
    lmaoooo i dont mean to laugh but it seems like hes tryna make the best of it while trying to make u laugh . obviously its not working. my silly boyfriend says things all the time. and i jus look at him like you nimrod.... o_O
  • I tell my hubby all the time that his android needs an app for how to talk to his pregnant hormonal wife. One where he can type in the sitiuation and it tells him what is okay to say and what he better run if he says! My best friend tells him to call her so she can walk him through the right things to say.
    He posted on fb "women...can't live with em, can't shoot em! Lets just say he was hoping for some laughs and funny haha's from his guy friends, instead he got told off by all our female friends and the guys never once got his back!!!
  • What??? I can't believe he said that!!! It wasn't pregnancy related, but we finally got around to seeing Twilight New Moon the other night and there is this thing that went around the internet on the site Looks Just Like that Taylor Lautner looks just like a man bear pig. Well Jacob comes on the screen and hubby goes, "Man Bear Pig!!! Woof Roar Oink!!!" I turned and looked at him and asked "Man goes woof?" He looked embarrassed, so I Laughed my butt off and told him I thought he was beautiful (which is our way of saying dumb). Then joked he got my preggy brain. I haven't let that go yet, I posted on his fb page "woof roar oink!" :D
  • @fashion_junky91 I wish he was just joking, he's serious! Im just like really! What is wrong with you! It seems like he picks out the things I hate, and is he going to be upset when I work my butt off after having the baby and dont have those things anymore. I think hes just got use to seeing me this way, this is our 3rd baby in 3 yrs!

    @mandiixmayhem thats funny, you just made me think of a song from madigascar 2 with the Hippo in the water and the song goes, I like em big, I like em chuncky! I have been feeling that way forever! At least the big chunky baby belly goes away after delivery! What he likes about me is gonna take time! Lots of time!!!

    and I agree they should either have a fliter or a mute button!!
  • Thats so cute at least hes trying to make you feel good my hubbie told me hes not attracted to me like this i.e. being prego looking such a dummie
  • @mommyo3soon2b4 I agree there should be an app. Or at least a list that says if your gonna say this.....say this instead!!! And the comment on fb is to funny. I always say all men are as*es you just have to find the one you can live with!
  • Haha funny you mention that song!! we sing it all the time these days :p
  • @jellybelly1015 that is too funny, yet in some ways correct! Lol Woof, Roar, Oink!!!
  • @wiseccourt you need to come up with a comeback, if he has any kind of belly let him know that at least yours will go away when babies born, or if you cant think of anything else, they hate comments about their "size" tell him something like you know Im just not attracted to it.....must be a pregnancy thing! Lol
  • @mandiixmayhem I just saw that movie for the first time and laughed my butt off at that scene. Mostly because since my son was like 12 hes now 17 he would come over and put his face at the egde of the couch so that all I can see is his eyes, he looks just like the hippo when he does it. We actually call it hippo and for some reason I cant help from laughing!
  • @ammasmama no he's in good shape but he also is in the army and can't stand being out ofshae I just rub in his face that his sons ganna be a mommas boy lol he gets anoyed by it
  • @wiseccourt thats a good one, my first son is a mamas boy and hes 17!
  • @Wiseccourt, whenever my hubby says anything about how big I am or how much I've gained I just say," and yet I still weigh less than you!" He hates that!!!
  • @ammasmama thas a good one but I'm a lil heaveyer then him altho he's really self contions so its funny to make fun of him love teasing the hubbs, nothen better
  • Mine told me my new maternity pants "make your butt look big but it's not." "All your weight is going to you butt" AND when I asked him to take belly pics they all came out awful. I said you always take awful pictures of me and he said " it's your face in the picture." Nice! He never said these things to me before I was pregnant. I don't know what his deal is now. I think he thinks he is funny.
  • I would have told him to f off. What the hell is a double butt?......and don't feel bad I have a huge full belly with a little fat roll underneath too....although my hubby denies it when I say I have man (or rightly afraid?)
  • @momaynot I wonder if men get pregnancy they just drop out of their head or something!!

    @coolbabybeans well to me it is my hips, that look like a violin. He calls it a bouble butt though. It sucks everytime I look in the mirror and think Geez I hate that, somehow he knows and is like lets make a comment about that! I noticed a small red patch under my eye, when he saw me yesterday he was like wow what did you do? I said nothing it just shows more on some days than others!
  • Oh I know what ur talking about lol ya that's what happens when ur curvy he should be happy ur not a stick figure and that you actually have a body ;) I don't think guys know how we get even more insecure due to hormones.....and then comes a pregnant woman's wrath.
  • I guess theres an idea for a new bill cosby show husbands say the darnest thingd
  • XD omg, my ex (thank you merciful God that this isn't his baby!) would talk to me like that! My husband is older and wiser and he knows not to say dumb stuff, no matter how funny it might sound in his head.
  • During my last pregnancy my husband told me I needed to "buy clothes that fit, not that I WANTED to fit". Mind u I was already half in tears and freakin out bc I couldn't find anything to wear to Easter Sunday church. I coulda killed him but was too emotional to get mad-instead I went and cried and informed him if he was gonna b like that he could walk to church. My dad gave him a ride but he had to walk the 5 miles home a suit! It was nice, sunny and warm that day too. This pregnancy he just kept reminding me that he likes my boobs at their grown pregnancy size and wisest they would "stay like this" and how sad it is that they r gonna droop after nursing our dd! That's what bras r for! Lol
  • @coolbabybeans lucky for me he does like the curves, always has. Bad for him when I lose weight the first thing I lose is my butt, or in his case my double butt lol!

    @victoriab is that whats wrong.....he's 8 years younger!

    @z_mommy_2009 ya we've had him say things about my clothes and its always before church! Cause I dont have many maternity clothes and he thinks some are to revealing! I should have made him walk home to lol, thats funny. Oh and the girls dont have to droop after baby, mine never did! Just always wear a bra in the end of pregnancy and while nursing, keeps the weight from bringing them down!
  • Could be lol. My hubby is 20 years older than me. He knows that I'm sensitive and overemotional!
  • @victoriab my first husband was 8 years older and it didnt work, so I went 8 years younger, and we never have a dull moment, just stupid comments I guess!! Lol
  • Lmfao my bf says stupid crap all the time, but then he acts like he knows shit he doesn't know anything about... The worse is when it comes to cooking I.was rubbing it in his face he said he knew how to make quiche and I asked him if he knew what a quiche was and he goes "a pumpkin"? Lol
  • My last bf (the one who spewed stupid stuff out of his mouth all the time) was 6 1/2 years older than me (I like 'em old ;) ). Me and my hubby are so alike, its scary sometimes!
  • @maymommy2011 lol a pumkin too funny!

    @victoriab my first husband and I were a lot alike, we also looked like we could be related we would get mistaken for brother/sister and even better Father/daughter....he hated that! My hubby and I now are total oppisites and somehow it seems to be working!
  • My BF told me he's looking forward to me having a jiggly belly again instead of a firm one, but he'll miss the big and roundness. Is that a compliment? Lol. Also its not pregnancy related but on our first date he meant to say I'm full of surprises and instead told me 'You never fail to disappoint.' Luckily I knew what he meant and its kinds become a private home between us.
  • Tonight my hubby asks how I was I said fat and tired lol he goes yea u do look kinda puffy today! Like ok what an ass lol I just laughed and said gee thanks hun ur lookin kinda puffy too what's ur excuse
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