How bad is my addiction??

edited May 2011 in Health
I'm addicted to Sweat Tea. I know there's a certain amount that's considered ok to drink but I forgot how much. I have about the amount of a full snapple bottle everyday (even if its not snapple brand its about that much). My bf has been making me feel awful about it. We both drank ridiculous amounts of tea before I got preggo so trust me this is a major cut back. Its still not worth hurrting my baby though.


  • Why its that bad? It's an acceptable level of caffeine and the sugar won't hurt you. Not like you drink it all day long. I want some. Damn.
  • Lol. I can't stop! I thought it was the caffeine in the tea. My doctor told me not to drink it but she's pretty strict. I've heard other people say that tea as well as coffee and other caffinated drinks are fine in moderation. The question is what's considered moderate?
  • 200gm of caffene so like 4 mug fulls of coffee or 4 energy drinks :)
  • Ok thanks. I'm sure there a lot less than that in a bottle of snapple.
  • You should probably check into rehab :p
  • @snreda You're probably right. Let me go locate a sweet teas anonymous Asap. Lol
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  • I never heard 200mg was good? 4 energy drinks seems excessive? But 1 snapple tea I don't think is a big deal. I drank grren tea EVERYDAY with my son and he is perfectly fine and healthy! And now I'm craving sweet tea lol! Mmmm and pie!
  • You can get the decaff one just to give you some peace of mind lol im like a total pepsi junkie I drink it alot so I just started buying the decaff one instead. It tastes the same. Samething with iced coffee which I loooove and want right now!! Lol
  • @mommy2beagain I haven't had starbuck since I found out I was pregnant. I'm going through withdrawals but I figure sweet tea was the lesser of the 2 evils.

    My bf would die if he saw me with starbucks. He threw away all the bread in the house cause he read somewhere that white bread has some type bleach in it that's bad for pregnancy. We're talking at least 4 loaves of bread. I also watched him bring in 4 gallons of Gold Peak sweet tea (my fav) then lost it when I couldn't find them. He had hidden the tea from me. He's totally on this pregnancy health thing.
  • I thought it was about one coffee. I got sent to the damn nutrionist for not gaining weight since I'm almost five months n she said one cup of caffeine is fine but no more. Why don't u try a diff kind of tea?
  • Awww atleast hes showing he cares but my bf would so get a slap upside the head for throwing some good bread out lol I love starbucks I just make sure I get decaff.
  • I started drinking decaff cause I'm addicted...but my bf hates decaf I gave up and drink lots of caffinated because he bitchs when I make the decaf. :/
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  • @louisesfirstbaba, I guess it depends on the energy drink but generally speaking there are about 80mgs of caffeine in an average energy drink along with lots of other energy promoting supplements, among the most dangerous are Taurine and Aspartame (which is in most everything you eat casually - and should avoid) I would advise you take a look at the ingredients if you are consuming 4 energy drinks a day because you may be getting way more caffeine than you think, along with lots and lots of other yucky - truly dangerous - junk!
  • It could be a mental thing but decaf has an after taste to me just like sweet&lo or diet soda.

    @adri805 I'm in the same boat. I'm 5mos and hadn't gained any weight as of my last appt. My sonogram showed a healthy developing baby so I stopped trying. I don't think I've gained the 4lbs so I'm probably on my way to the nutritionist as well.
  • @lilbun915 nooooo im not a hardly drink caffeine, i just read about the 2OOmgs a day and a energy drink has 80 so about 4 of them wud add up to that, re writing it now just made me reolise only 2, my bad :(
  • @louisesfirstbaba.. haha oops! Momnesia! :)
  • So not to be overly technical but are we talking a cup in regard to a measuring cup or a mug of coffee. Either way I would have been drinking a little more but I believe a measuring cup is less than a mug or say a styrofoam (sp) cup. I not sure what 200mg's looks like off hand.
  • @lilbun915 tell me about it i got the whole damn thing wrong paha

    @mommts1stbundle -

    Theres the right info :D sorry, haha preggo brains in overdrive today!
  • @mommys1stbundle.. if you wanna get REAL technical, it's way more about the kind of coffee youre drinking :/ the bold roasts, the french roasts, the mild roasts haha.. Generally speaking 1mug of coffee a day, 16oz is the safe recommendation
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