YAY!!!! Good news!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I just got home from the doctor and I feel as if my appointment went great! I'm 34 weeks pregnant...even though my doctor said I was 33 according to his charts...I've been having a lot of problems...don't know if you all have read my last posts! Anyway I was told because of how tall my son is and how low I'm carrying him and my history with my other 2 kids that yes I was gonna be miserable till I have my son! But I was told only 3 more weeks of bedrest and then I get to welcome my son into the world! I have already lost my mucus plug! 1 cm dialated! And that my son has moved back up (he dropped and was at -2 over the weekend)! Idk why I'm so happy but I guess its because everything is moving along great and my son is doing really great and it won't be much longer till he is here! Its kinda looking like ill have him on or around my birthday (may 24th! Ill be 21!) I do have a question....does anyone know what it means when your blood platelets are low? Mine keep dropping and were in the 120s last time he checked which was Friday....
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