this may or may not be tmi

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I have been having an increased amount of discharge...its a clear jelly like substance and sometimes there is a large amount and sometimes just tiny peices...I'm 37 weeks and he is breech right now could something else be wrong or is the discharge normal?


  • Sounds normal to me hun, sounds like maybe your mucus plug. Nothing out of the ordinary. Are they going to try and turn him?
  • Yes I'm scared cause I heard its painful buut I'm even mpre nervous about the c section because of the thought of the epidural...I want them to put me under so bad cause ill prob have a panic attack if I know they are cutting me open. I've never had a surgery or broken bone the thought scared the poo out of me.
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  • I wish they gave me am epidural for trying to turn my oldest. For me it was the most excruciating pain(and they only got her a 1/4 turned I believe) like 20 minutes. You can't feel anything and you can't see anything. But you know ypurself best
  • Yea...they tried turning him...and let me just is so freaking painful and he didn't move an inch. So I'm sore and nothing has changed. C section is imminent and I can't decide if I should try the spinal or be put under. I had a panic/anxiety attack with the IV...what do I do...what should I do. I'm so terrified of needles and being awake while I'm open...but do I want to take a risk...I'm so lost
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