ugh so frustrated with boyfriend

It's so annoying he's been lying lately and hanging with his boys all the time, acting different towards me and just seems like a completely different person, we've been together 3 yrs and he's never acted like that . Idk of he's scared or what but why do some men turn into a different person when they find out their going to be a dad?


  • Beause their not ready. They don't understand the magnitude of the situation, and often revert to silly behaviors because they don't want to feel like you have a control over them. you shpild express your discomforts in an effective way, ask for feedback and come up with a resolution. But only time will show them what they need yo know, don't stress yourself trying to figure out waus to make him understand. You would be wasting yourbreathe.
  • - cuz they dsnt feel the same than us women. We love our babies even before we can imagine them ( at least i do <333 ) but them are not gonna feel that way until they have the baby into their arms ; they get mature laateeee Just try to talk to him and tell him however u feel at that moment tell him everything ; that you want him to be responsable with his baby cuz you didnt make a baby by ur own . He is part of this .... hope everything gets well ;) good bless you
  • @steph im with u girl,omg so i hsve a 3 yr old already from my x husband and now iv been with my bf for wooo to long. And now im having his first child, howev his attitude has been ugly with me too. Ugh soo fustratrd!!!
  • My baby.daddy.did that to.with r 1st baby...he scared n tryin to.get.his time b4 the he hang with his friends...he mean to u bcuz he mite has douts it his even tho u didnt cheat i guess u didnt rite..or his friend mite be.puttin crap in his.head about the baby..mine started actin rite when he when he went to the ultrasound n saw the baby..after the baby he was a different lovin n caring man
  • Thanks ladies:) his friends probably are putting things in his head they are all single which is quite annoying, and yea I think he is scared but even if he is I just wish he'd tell me so I can help. Hopefully things get better because its just so frustrating:/
  • he'll come around because my boyfriend was like that at first but now he is a awesome boyfriend. But the going out with his friends won't stop if he's young.
  • Mine is young well hes 21 we have the same b-day,well both be 21 on feb•20•2011....& yah his friends are single and first time dads that screwd up...and arnt with their baby momma n e more blaming their separation on the baby mama,which most guys do since their designed to be indenial..(lol) ev I knw its fustrating for u as it is for me...shoot i went threw this with my first x baby dady and now tht I started new and am pregos with my second and my new husbands first,wow im do scared im going to go threw this all over again....jus have FAITH..MAMA....HAVE FAITH
  • Ment we'll be 22 on feb•20•2011
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