My daughter just turned 2 in march. Im due in sept and I would love to have her potty trained before then. any suggestions?? Whats worked best for you ??
i potty traind my son at 18 months.. i dont believe in pull ups cuz they r confusing.. i bot a bunch of old school potty pants.. just cloth but more obsorbent .. i got the potty out about a week befor i started.. to get aquanted.. then i put the chair in the living room and filled him with juice.. gave him some toys to play with and caloring stuff.. sat him on his chair and op to the coffee table and waited.. lol wasnt long either he did his first potty and we did the potty dance.. oh ya dont forget the snacks did this a few times an he wa hooked he wa litteraly potty trained in a week.. now poop ..they will poo there pants the trick is to catch them in the act and run to the toilet as quickly as possible.. it took a few days longe with the poop but i think it was due to my first reaction wich was a loud scweel i scared him.. poor guy.. he was scared to poo the first time.. lol.. every time after was easy .. he really was the easist ro train.. i pray my 12 month old will b the same way.. hes gonna be potty trained tward the end o summr.. so he can run around in just his underwaer.. good luck this worked for me.. oh yeah potty dance is a must for th first few months.. they love to please us..