"Low lying afterbirth"-- my dr

edited May 2011 in Health
What?? So I'm almost 12 weeks and have been spotting off and on. It terrified me bc I've mc'd 2x now. So this is what he told me when he did the ultrasound today. He says that its too early to tell if its placenta previa and it will more than likely resolve itself. But that has been the cause of my bleeding. Has this happened to anyone else?? Thanks ladies!!


  • I've heard of women bleeding & give birth to a healthy baby. I had some spotting. 2 times was light 1 time was red w clots. Scary stuff. I'm 17w4d. Ask your dr bout progesterone.
  • my sisters best friend had placenta previa with both her pregnancies and deleivered 2 healthy children. they did have to be delivered via csect though. if your concerned i would suggest just resting as much as possible and keeping hydrated :)
  • Thanks. I'm on progesterone and have been for about a month now.
  • I've had marginal PP "placenta right above the cervix" since I was about 22 weeks and I'm now 35 weeks and it hasn't corrected itself. I've bleed twice, I've been on bedrest since March, also I have to have a c-section. I'm on complete bedrest, can't have anything vaginal "no sex, etc" and no heavy lifting. Take it easy. Your early and your placenta has plenty of time to move up and you can have a vaginal birth. Hope this is helpful to you.
  • Thank you. I'm only 12 weeks now but slightly worried due to the spotting. My mom had pp w me and almost lost me quite a few times... but I'm here and strong
  • You are going to be fine. Try not to worry or stress because that can only make your bleeding worse. I was suprised that I have PP because with my 1st pregnancy I didn't have any problems and now all of a sudden this. Ugh I'm praying for you and your little bundle.
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