constant peeing!!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I am 16 wks and urinating constantly since I found out I was pregnant. I can't remember if it was like this in my first pregnancy apart from obviously the last trimester. Am also drinkin a lot of water, esp at nites. Anyone else have this problem or shud I be worried about diabetes??


  • gets worse more pregnancies, this my 3rd im 23 n 38wks n had an accident yesterday :o
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  • I've been lucky and can make it with only going two times thru the night
  • I'm almost 17 weeks and I feel like I pee every 5 minutes. I'll get up pee. Couple minutes later I have a full bladder
  • I am 17wks and I think I am just going to move into the bathroom. Between work and home, I spend most of the day in there anyways lol
  • I think ur fine sweetie especially since u say u have been drinking a ton of water it just really sucks to have to pee every minute of the hour
  • Same! More so during night when lying must use my bladder as a pillow lol!
  • Thanks for reasurance guys, good to kno am not only one.!!
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