I was given everything through my iv and he broke my water other than that everything was like a natural vaginal birth only lasted about 5 hrs thank God
They'll probably insert medication into your vagina to soften your cervix, put you on iv fluids and pitocin, break your water when you're 3 to 5 centimeters, and then you'll have the option for an epidural after that. Every hospital and dr is different, but that seems to be the most common.
Cervadil is the vaginal kinda feels like a flat tampon supposed to start labor didn't do squat for me It stays in overnight (12 hrs ) then pitocin if u need it via iv
I was induced and they put in the cervidil Monday night I weasel told it softens your cervix and can start contractions. Tuesday morning they removed it and they started my pitocin along with breaking my water at the same time.. my labor was about 4 hours