calcium in the heart?

edited May 2011 in July 2011
has anyone else been told their baby has a calcium deposit in their heart that should go away? I saw the perinatologist and he said its very common and should get absorbed by the muscle on its own but he kind of freaked me out.has anyone else heard of this? I was unaware for the first three months of my pregnancy and I'm terrified that I could have harmed her so it would be reassuring if anyone at all has ever heard of this. thanks girls!


  • I was pretty terrified when my ultrasound showed a calcium deposit in my baby girl's heart but I am now 37 weeks and it went away on its own, doesn't show in the ultrasound anymore. The way the doctor explained it to me is that everyone gets them in their life and they form from over working a muscle which is especially common for babies because of how much their muscles are working so hard while they're growing :-) he also said that its nothing I could have done to make it happen or not, hope that helps!
  • thanks so much I feel so much better really
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